What’s that sound?

The melody of excited whistling kettles and the magical chiming of swirling spoons fills the air… It’s time to make some music… Let’s stick on a brew and make a song & dance about Tea! That’s right, it’s National Tea Day.

Hi Chai…

Us Brits are well known for being avid tea drinkers, whether it’s enjoying an afternoon filled with cakes and bite sized sandwiches or nuzzling into a fluffy blanket on a cold day, everything seems so much brighter accompanied by a good cuppa.

We’ve been drinking tea for centuries! Did you know the earliest record of sipping this humble leaf originated in 3rd century China? It’s no wonder this lovely leaf has achieved, quite frankly, world domination. With almost an infinite variety of blends, infusions and combinations, this once mainly medicinal potion has expanded its branches and planted obsession into hearts all over the world.

Hot or cold, this delicious drink comes with a whole heap of impressive health benefits: antioxidants, bone protection, boosting your immune system… just to name a few!

Milk and two sugars…

Making tea is a serious business. It’s the ultimate challenge in timing and ratio skills, a touch too much milk or leaving the bag in can really dictate if the mug you made with love gets left untouched… To make absolutely certain this never happens, thestudio team have a tea chart in their office highlighting acceptable shades of tea!

Can’t tell your tea cups to your tea pots? Help is at hand! Get your skills up to scratch by clicking here… A sure fire way to win the hearts of everyone in the office. (p.s don’t forget to bring some cake to sweeten the deal).

Mug to glug…

@thestudio nothing can beat a good cuppa. Whether you’re a health enthusiast or just need a morning ‘pick me up’, from energetic green tea, a good ol’ Tetley or a soothing Earl Grey… we’ll have your tea needs covered!

Imagine if you could help the local community whilst attending your teams’ yearly round up or weekly meet up. Sound impossible? Not quite! Here at thestudio, we like to bring innovative ideas to the table and make them the centre piece of everything we do. We’ve achieved just that with thestudiomanchester’s alternative, collaborative, self-contained events space: The Classroom.

Every day’s a school day…

How does booking The Classroom help the local community? Let’s fill you in… thestudiomanchester is partnered up with incredible children’s charity: Wood Street Mission. With each get-together The Classroom hosts, a £10 donation goes towards Wood Street Mission’s fantastic work. They believe all children should live a poverty free life, encourage children to value education and offering practical guidance so families can raise themselves out of poverty. Knowing that you’ve helped a budding young mind have confidence in their brilliance and supporting them in having the best start in life will make the unlimited retro snacks even sweeter.

Saved by the bell…

Children are our future engineers, doctors, writers, architects… we believe they all deserve the opportunity to shine bright. With the £10 going directly to Wood Street Mission‘s SmartStart initiative, we’ll be able to support a child in need’s first steps into education by supplying them with essential school clothes and equipment!

From thestudio team, we thank everyone who has helped us improve the lives of many Greater Manchester families through using The Classroom. We look forward to continuing our partnership with Wood Street Mission and of course working with you!

the studio leeds meeting venue refreshment spaceWe’ve got two things on our agenda today… singing along to Pharrell Williams’ Happy and reminiscing about some of the best moments in studio history as it’s International Day of Happiness!

Do you celebrate?

They say it’s important to celebrate the little victories and of course the big ones. But do you find time to congratulate yourself when you achieve your goals or do you straight away delve into a new set of goals to achieve? We understand wins can get overlooked and often forgotten… Feel inspired today and reminisce!

thestudio’s top 10 happiest moments so far…

1. 2nd first… It’s normal to sound off starting with one, thestudio with all its quirks started with two! Way back when, we were only able to offer events space on our 2nd floor. Creating some ruckus, bull dosing into the first floor, we were able to increase our meeting room spaces and offer you a brand-new floor to experience!

2. Cowley Manor will always have firm place in studio’s history, aside from being the location of the first group away day, it’s here thestudio ethos was born! Through team building activities, we defined the kind of company we were and how we would make decisions… Customer first it is 😀

3. Baby steps… wise Confucius once said – “It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.” Experience teaches us one thing, that we only ever truly fail when we give up trying. It was a momentous time when thestudio blew out its 3rd birthday candles… apparently this is the bench mark that an astounding 75% of new companies fail to make!

4. The Directors’ trip jet setting off to the beautiful Eindhoven in the Netherlands. Keen advocates of “if you want a new idea change the view”. And a follow up trip to Iceland sharing an elongated hot pool under a starlit sky, a perfect setting for the Northern lights and for sharing and planning big dreams.

5. Winning the pinnacle of awards “Best Independent UK venue in 2017” what an accolade, ticking every box in our company vision, where we strive for our customers to say “why would be go anywhere else!”

6. thestudio first ever profitable year independently in 2009, it felt like a massive feat!

7. There’s no feeling that quite compared to opening our 2nd venue in Manchester’s glorious Northern Quarter.

8.Come with me, And you’ll be, In a world of, Pure imagination” Did you get the Golden Ticket? That’s right, one of our happiest memories was when we held the Charlie and the Chocolate Factory themed party. With a cluster of family, friends and special guests, it was the first time Nigel (thestudio’s co-founder) showed them what we did. To say the least, they were blown away and to top it off, it was a brilliant party night with new, past and current studio team members.

9. In 2016 the team ticked one off the bucket list… expanding into another country! Opening thestudioglasgow was an amazing achievement and added another member to our family. We’re feeling more like a seasoned business with 4 venues now.

10. A happy team is a productive team! Undoubtedly some of our happiest times are when we’re whisked away to a team weekend. Usually full of fun activities and packed full of friendly competition, they’re a great chance to catch up with each other.

Remember, remember…

Remember all your achievements and good times today, after all, it’s International Day of Happiness! Wishing you a lot more memorable days and achievements to come.

It’s no doubt we like to feel good. Afloat with warm fuzzy feelings, our moral compass points us to do what we feel is right and encourages us to go above and beyond. Kindness is a definite strength, having the courage to dish out positive reinforcement or offer a helping hand are admirable traits! That’s why we just had to shout about Random Acts of Kindness Day.

Conferencing and kindness…
Forget the add ons, don’t you just love it when a venue or hotel just puts that little extra effort in to make you feel welcome and appreciated? Whether it’s a complimentary map of the city, on the house welcome drinks or a treat on your pillow, it’s totally brilliant to feel thought about. Here at thestudio we have TNT’s. Tiny noticeable things which make a positive explosive impact! We’re always thinking of ingenious ways to make our guests feel more at home. Just remember, if it’s raining and you need some cover, help yourself to a studio brolly!

Check out the teams most memorable random acts of kindness experiences:

Prabjot: Philpotts! Even if it’s been months they always remember my breakfast order!

Jyoti: I’m a fiend for Fuel drinks, the team there know my order so as so as they see me coming they get a making! I don’t have to wait long for my drink and always have a friendly catch up while I’m there.

Katie: Our team member Karolina! She always surprises us with gifts from cute personalised Christmas cards to chocolate treats, she’s bursting full of random acts of kindness. Lovely lady!

Brighten someone’s day today with a random act of kindness and if you can think of anything that would make your stay at thestudio even better, we’re always open for suggestions…

When the moon hits your eye Like a big pizza pie, that’s amore…

If you didn’t know already, the 9th of February is dedicated to the super cheesy, super saucy and fully loaded main. Whether fine dining or eaten the morning after, thestudio’s celebrating National Pizza Day by offering you a slice of the action: to win a pizza on us!

Take another pi-zza my heart…

Tweet @studiovenues a quick sketch of your ideal pizza. The most impressive we’ll replace it with an actual pizza… No kidding.
Do pizzas and conferencing go hand in hand? We can all agree, aside from being a faithful crowd pleaser, pizzas are simple, efficient and most importantly delicious. Reigning supreme when it comes to variety, it’s no wonder this nosh is an international star. Being food fanatics, we can’t help but liken this famed food to event perfection!

Just like a divine slice of cheesy heaven, a great venue will offer their guests a tailor-made experience with lots of opportunity to shake things up and of course, extra mozzarella. We’re definite believers in flexibility when it comes accommodating peoples’ needs… Arranging your event should be as easy as pie… pizza pie to be exact!

Wishing everyone a scrumptious day…

Let’s dust off those bag pipes and grab our kilts, tonight’s party has almost started, honouring the poetic prose of national bard: Rabbie Burns!

Viewed as a legendary writer, Rabbie Burns is best known for pioneering romanticism in Scottish literature. Is there ever a better way to reminisce and honour the life, works and birthday of national treasure than having a big ol’ supper? We agree, there isn’t! Find masses of Scottish folk coming together and tucking into traditional delectables like Haggis, Neeps and Tatties!

Curious about Scottish cuisine? Check out these fabulous recipes! Psst… thestudio cookbook is here!

Kilted at the alter…

Recently our wonderful Zoe (who you’d have been welcomed by in our Glasgow venue) tied the knot…

“The first time we went to an evening wedding, I knew I wanted to get married at Brig o’ Doon House Hotel in Ayrshire (associated with Robert Burns). It’s just a stunning venue with gorgeous grounds.

My Grandad was the ‘founder’ of the Burns Club in Stranraer. Burns has been a big part of our family and when we were younger, we would have days out visiting different places related to him. Having our wedding at Brig o Doon was special as I felt my Grandad was part of it (sadly he is no longer here).”

A toast to remember…

Traditionally or unconventionally, however you chose to spend it, thestudio wishes you all a fun filled Burns night.

Born from the ingenious imagination of A.A. Milne, today we’ll be celebrating and drawing attention to an unforgettable children’s classic: Winnie the Pooh.

What’s Winnie the Pooh got to do with thestudio?

The question is why would a meetings and events space celebrate such a day? This cheeky chap shares some brilliant wisdoms. Exercising mindfulness whilst indulging in honey, this little bear is nothing short of a role model. With all of his little quirky insights, thestudio can’t help but be drawn in by his whimsical view on life.

It’s no wonder as we’re inspirational quote fanatics! It’s always a pleasure to welcome familiar and new faces through all our doors across the country. If we’ve been fortunate to host one of your events, you’ll have definitely noticed our colourful design features and, of course, our room name inspired quotes!

Pooh Proofs…
A couple fun facts that you might not have known about this honey loving furry mammal:
1. Winnie is based on an actual bear who was bought by a soldier in the First World War who was later rehomed to London Zoo
2. Christopher Robin is based on A.A. Milne’s son
3. Some of Pooh’s friends are based off Christopher’s actual teddy collection and can be found in New York Public Library
4. Hundred Acre Wood is a real place known as Ashdown Forest in East Sussex

Rivers know this: there is no hurry. We shall get there some day.
A.A. Milne, Winnie-the-Pooh

Quotes on us…
Help us celebrate today by tweeting us @studiovenues your favourite Winnie the Pooh quote, you never know, it might end up in one of our future venues!

With the flurries of new year’s resolutions coming in faster than UK’s snow spells, 2018 will no doubt be full of fantastic opportunities to make your wishes come true. With foresight taking centre stage, we’d like to celebrate your dreams!

I have a dream…

Martin Luther King’s timeless speech undeniably influenced change, he dreamt of a future full of equality and freedom, a future which he pursued to create a reality. Today, take inspiration from people who chase their callings. Aspiring to go after your dreams, no matter how big or small, can be illusive. It’s easy to only see the successful iceberg tip whilst overlooking what lies beneath, this perception is perfectly demonstrated by

Stephen McCraniein’s famous quote:
the master has failed more times than the beginner has even tried.

One thing’s for sure, with a bit of elbow grease and perseverance, dreams can come true!

Burning with passion…

Ever notice how hours can fly by when you’re immersed in something you really enjoy? It’s because you’re no longer a serial clock watcher! When we’re bored, we become insanely aware of how slow time passes. Most of our lives are spent at work, time that would be best spent doing something we love. Unsurprisingly a lot of thestudio team had a background or interest in events before getting to join the family, as you could’ve guessed we love what we do!

Grab the bull by its horns…

We encourage risk takers, free thinkers and game changers. It’s why thestudio venues are designed with all the quirks. We want to offer you a fresh environment, laden with the inspiration to get your 2018 goals ticked off. Whilst we look to the year ahead, we wish you the very best of luck in making your dream come true.

Frost bitten trees, twinkling lights, long nights… Winter brings great change to both our landscape and to our hearts. With Christmas firmly planting its snow boots on our door step, Santa at the ready to sneak down our chimneys, cities and homes all beautifully adorned in quaint decorations, it’s no wonder we’re all completely taken in by this magical season! And of course thestudio will be getting involved!

Cold feet…
Don’t be put off numb fingers and Rudolf red nose sufferers, optimism isn’t the only thing that can fight off the frost. Stave off those winter blues with some festive cheer and brighten up the day with the simplest of pleasures.

Boost your team with these seven super suggestions:

1. Decorate the office! Maybe importing a snow machine would be a little much…
2. Belt out some Christmas classics in the office. Sometimes you just can’t help but sing along
3. Short trip to the Markets? Nothing quite like a comforting hot chocolate to soothe the cold
4. Yule be crowned a winner! Have a friendly competition of who can make the best Yule log
5. Whether it’s dress down Tuesday or casual Fridays, why not dig out “those” jumpers
6. Secret Santa anyone?!

Whatever you choose to do to celebrate there’s nothing quite like immersing the team in the season!

Get your knits out…

This Wednesday we’ll be pulling out all the stops, so join us in wearing our Christmas jumpers! The team are looking forward to wearing their cosy Xmas pullovers whilst gift giving as secret Santa’s.

Entertain yourself by checking out what thestudio teamed asked for when they were young…

Navisha – A bike and hells yeah! I was so happy when I received it 

Chris – I wanted a puppy! I got a guide dog puppy but we had to give it back at the end of the year 

Rachel – I went mad for a furby! Then I bet after a couple of months I got bored of it and it got packed away … oops!

Mandy – I really wanted roller-skates. All the craze in the 80’s. Roller-skates and skateboards. My parents pretended to have bought my brother the skate board he wanted and nothing for me. At which I cried. They had actually bought me them and so I was so happy.
I was always one of those children who didn’t want to get hurt so didn’t really partake in physical activity!
I think I tried riding them just a handful of times before I gave up trying to learn.
What a waste!

Prabjot – I really wanted a furby… never got one though. Also wanted a Tamagotchi, and I got one of those… promptly got bored and then used the batteries for a book!

Whether you’re on Santa’s naughty or nice list, we wish you a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from thestudio.

Guess what we got up to last Thursday?

If you answered with handing out one of those novelty sized cheques, then call yourself Mystic Meg as you’re 100% right!

Charity Cheque…

thestudio loves to work with and support the local communities in the cities we call home, it gives us that Friday feeling every day of the week.

Have you heard of Wood Street Mission? They’re an amazing children’s charity which helps and supports local families in Manchester & Salford. At their core, they believe all children should live a poverty free life, encouraging them to value education and offering practical guidance so families can raise themselves out of poverty.

If you “teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.”

The fisherman needs the basics before he can start to provide for himself… And that’s what Wood Street Mission supply, the necessities!

If you’ve booked thestudio’s funky, retro space The Classroom, you’ve directly helped to support local Mancunians! For every confirmed event in Classroom, thestudio makes a £10.00 contribution to Wood Street Mission!

Our Commercial Director, Julian Kettleborough, was happy to present Wood Street Mission with £1,210.

We look forward in continuing our work with Wood Street Mission and a huge thank you to our clients, you help make this possible!