If you’re thinking about what you can do to get together this summer make sure you think of thestudio…

We’ve got some great Safe and Seamless options available for you to get your team together, face to face for some valuable rebuilding time.

Sizzle in the Summer heat with our popular BBQ package, available at all of our locations with outdoor space – read about our BBQ package here.

Get together to rebuild, reengage and revitalise your team with our team building packages available across all of our locations.

Don’t forget your meeting room! We’ve got plenty of space to get together before your BBQ, for your team building briefing or just a straight up face to face meeting. Look no further, you can find out about all of our meetings space here.

What’s more, some of our most popular meeting rooms are now available to book online so meeting at thestudio… has never been easier! Just choose your room, add on your extras, pay and done. To find out about online meeting room bookings click here.

Got something else in mind? We love a challenge! Tell us what your looking for and, working with our partners, we will come back to you! Contact us here.

Whatever your plans for this summer talk to us today!

On Global Meetings Industry Day we thought it would be a good chance to reflect on the past few weeks. This week in particular has been one of the busiest for thestudio since the Government ‘Roadmap to Reopening’ was announced back in February.

We had already seen the number of booking enquiries we have received jump and in recent weeks and in turn seen this turn into firm commitments from our customers.

What’s more, conversations have turned from cancelling, postponing and rearranging to new dates, new events and a new air of confidence that this time we can truly start to get back to normal.

All really encouraging stuff, isn’t it?

This week though has been something else entirely.

This week we have seen all of that continue. We have also seen some of our spaces refreshed, revitalised and ready to go. We have seen our live streaming studio, ideal for hybrid and virtual events, really take off and in use again (and what a tremendous offer it is too – find out more here) but crucially we have seen more and more clients in our buildings, conducting their meetings and training in a mature, safe and secure manner. Nobody has been on edge, no one has misbehaved, everyone has followed the rules. The result? Happy guests and an environment that works without putting anyone at risk.

As we move through the stages out of lockdown we’re looking forward to being able to welcome more and more guests through our doors for all kinds of events. We’re ready to welcome you with the promise that Covid-19 or no Covid-19, safe, seamless and successful events at thestudio are here to stay, just like they have always been.

Happy Global Meetings Industry Day!

You may have heard about it already (we’ve been quite excited about this so hard to keep quiet!) but we are absolutely delighted to confirm we are now working with AV specialists Bryght to deliver a dedicated live streaming studio at thestudio Birmingham.

The “Bryght Studio at thestudio is now being offered to all of our clients as a seamless city centre production solution. 

This is a fantastic opportunity to partner with a tech specialist who share our values to ensure we meet the needs of those guests who are looking for a safe and seamless event solution in these extraordinary timesThere is still an opportunity to expand the offer, our relationship with Bryght is set to grow and we are looking forward to offering the Bryght Studio at thestudio across all our locations over the forthcoming months.

We caught up briefly with Bryght director Nick Ricketts who told us “It’s been our ambition to offer a city centre production facility for some time and during the last few months we’ve seen a significant increase in demand for this offer. We wanted to partner with an equally dynamic organisation and our relationship with thestudio enables us to provide the latest in high technology equipment with the support of an experienced event team in one of the city’s most established and creative event venues 

We have been working hard to build a flexible package suited to the needs of all clients including virtual and hybrid options. We understand that for some clients this will be their first experience in hosting virtual or hybrid events and we want everyone to feel confident that they have our full support throughout every step of the process. The Bryght Studio at thestudio compliments our existing services and we’re now proud to be able to offer a full hybrid and virtual event offer, no matter what your budget.

We will catch up with Nick next week to dive a little deeper into what the Bryght Studio at thestudio can offer you for your next hybrid or virtual event. To find out more click here.

As our industry starts to see the green shoots of recovery we are delighted to report an 88% increase in confirmed business since the Prime Ministers roadmap out of lockdown announcement in February.


We’ve been working hard over the past few months to ensure we have solutions available to allow our clients to take the bold step back into events and we’re pleased that confidence is growing and confirmed bookings are falling into our diary.

“We have been pleased to be open to support with critical training throughout this latest lockdown, however as enquiry levels grow and a return to regular events comes into view, the news of an increase in confirmed business signals the next step in a long-awaited recovery, which is exciting not just for us, but for the industry as a whole” says our Commercial Director Julian Kettleborough

“We have been working hard to build our offer and continue to increase the flexibility we are able to give our clients including virtual and hybrid options. We want everyone to feel confident that they have our full support when making the bold step back into holding their events. We are really pleased that this work, coupled with a positive announcement from the Government, has meant we are experiencing an increase in enquiries and more importantly firm commitments from our clients.”

“Whilst the end is sight we still have a lot of work to do both as a business and as part of the industry and we certainly don’t want to sit still. We will continue to work closely with our clients, listening and being flexible to their needs to ensure they have the confidence to book their events for the coming months.”

Whether you are looking for a totally live event, hybrid or virtual options, if you want to Boldy GO speak to us today or have a take a look at how we can support you here.


We know it’s been a while but if you are ready to meet, then we’re ready to welcome you with safe and seamless meeting and event spaces in Birmingham, Leeds, Manchester and Glasgow.

If you need extra room then we’ve got so much space you can ‘boldy go’ where other guests fear to tread.

And don’t worry if it’s a giant leap too far. For bookings up to September 2021 we’ll offer a flexible booking guarantee which will allow you to cancel or amend your booking as little as 7 days prior with no questions asked.

To book please call 0800 028 6694  or email us on events@thestudio.co.uk


Tea to the English is really a picnic indoors.”

-Alice Walker

It’s no secret that us Brits love a cuppa. Whether it’s a quick brew before heading out the door or enjoyed with a myriad of cakes and bite sized sandwiches, tea drinking is an undeniably huge part of our culture. So important in fact that we’ve got some big news to share with you…

BIGGER, Better tea selection…

If you ask us what year it is, we’ll say it’s Twentea twentea! That’s because we’ve introduced a new variety of Birchall teas across all our venues. Whether it’s a caffeine boosting English Breakfast, refreshing and distinct Earl Grey or a stomach settling ginger and lemon, we’ve got you covered. In this turning over a new leaf, there’s even red berries, green tea, chamomile and peppermint to choose from.

Why Birchall?
With 5 generations of tea expertise’s in its basket, its no wonder Birchall has won so many great taste awards. Aside from the spectacular flavour, Birchall has a strong sense of sustainability and environmental responsibility.Their tea bags are compost friendly, better still they’re MICRO PLASTIC FREE! The importance they place on innovative ways to reduce impact really resonates with thestudio’s core values. We’re always looking at ways to add something a little special to your customer journey with us.

Fancy a cuppa?
Win a box of Birchalls tea by following @studiovenues on twitter and RETWEET to enter! (Only till 4pm 6th Feb)

Mug to glug…
Nothing short of a hug in a mug, not much beats a good cuppa. We want your tea tasting opinions, tweet us @thestudio. If you’d like to find out more about Birchall tea click here… And remember, you’re always welcome to pop in and join us for a brew!

Some people say it’s mystical, a magic potion that ignites your mornings with promise and opportunity… We call it coffee! There’s no denying a great cup of morning pick me up really can make you feel invincible.

The way you start your day really matters to us, that’s why we’ve joined forces with Redber coffee roasters and upgraded all the coffee and machines in our venues, ensuring you start your day off perfectly!

We have introduced new bean to cup Esprecious machines as well as new filter Aurora machines across all locations. Whether your daily grind calls for a latte, mocha, or a simple unadulterated cup of the pure stuff, we have it all brewing for you …

Our new blend…

Coffee beans grown in the nutrient dense volcanic soils of Honduras and the high altitude of the Cachoeira farm combine to make our delicious “studio blend”. This offers a smooth, aromatic taste experience with chocolatey/nutty undertones.

Redber buy directly from source, starting with a delicate green bean which is then roasted to order for us and delivered the next day. This means you’ll always have a fresh coffee experience.

We cannot tell you how excited we are to be offering such a great product with a fantastic new coffee partner. The buzz around the venues (not only from the caffeine!) is just wonderful. Great taste, ethical sourcing, happy customers… what more could we ask for?!

Fun fact…

Did you know coffee is a fruit? The bean which we use grows inside a coffee cherry! Though we wouldn’t go as far to say it counts towards one of your five a day.

Something for everyone….

Not a coffee drinker? Watch this space, we’ll soon be introducing a new range of teas… They are eco-friendly and biodegradable! Find out more about Birchall teas by clicking the link below:


We’re excited for all the developments 2020 will bring and from everyone @thestudio, we wish you your best year yet!

Today is World Homeless Day… How can a day ever be enough for this enormous crisis we witness on our streets EVERY day? However today is the day we can try to raise awareness for those of us who are less fortunate suffering from homelessness, to not just highlight the persistent predicament, but to share ways in which we, as a community, can invoke a positive response in providing opportunities, help and support.

It’s saddening to know that we reached the highest record of homelessness in January 2018 and it continues to grow, but there is much we can do to help. Click here to find out more and don’t forget show your support #WorldHomelessDay @homelessday

thestudio deeply values and cherishes the communities it calls home. We feel strongly about our local communities, so we’ve teamed up with local charities and not for profit organisations to try a do a little bit…

Who we are working with…?

Wood Street Mission…

This amazing children’s charity which helps and supports local families in Manchester & Salford. At their core, they believe all children should live a poverty free life, encouraging them to value education and offering practical guidance so families can raise themselves out of poverty.

For every booking in our alternative, self-contained events space: The Classroom we offer a £10 donation towards Wood Street Mission’s remarkable work. Enjoy retro snacks whist gathering your team to motivate and inspire whilst supporting some locals.

Find out more about Wood Street Mission by clicking here…


Foodinate Fancy Cakes are a fantastic way to support our local communities. Grab a slice of feel good by adding “Foodinate Fancy Cakes” to an event with us. Whilst enjoying a selection of delicious gluten free mini cakes, Foodinate will provide a hot nourishing meal to a local person in need.

Find out more about Foodinate by clicking here…

Let’s Feed Brum…

A brilliant Birmingham based charity who focuses on providing “food, drink, essential supplies and friendship” to those living on our streets. We’ve teamed up with Let’s Feed Brum to help get these Brummies back on their feet, every day our chefs and catering team package up any extras, providing nutritious meals to be served up and offered in the soup kitchen. Just by booking lunch with us, you may be contributing to the bigger picture.
Last December our team even cooked and helped serve a Christmas lunch for 300 homeless souls in the Cathedral, quite a feat and one we were all proud to be involved with.

Find out more about Let’s Feed Brum by clicking here…


This inspiring organisation pools all its efforts to help ease homelessness throughout the UK. Through recognising the needs of those on the street, they empower these individuals to stir up real positive change in their lives. Annually, thestudio joins hands with Crisis @ Christmas, hosting their guests with delicious festive themed treats and a space to provide services like health checks, mindfulness, creativity, hair and well-being sessions.

Find out more about Crisis by clicking here…

We’d love to help more and are open to your great ideas and suggestions. Please feel free to DM us on twitter @studiovenues with your thoughts on how we can help build a better future for us all.

Ever notice how people who are admired, radiate a positive and friendly aura? Whether you’re looking to secure agreements, network or become someone’s go to person, body language has a meaningful impact on the connections we attempt to create. We are frequently told “actions speak louder than words”, so join us as we delve into the world of body language!

What is this body language you speak of?

Body language in a nutshell is how we consciously and unconsciously hold ourselves. It’s a form of nonverbal communication which gives clues into our frame of mind or attitude. From posture to a welcoming handshake, every gesture we make is subconsciously noted in the minds of our audiences. It has the power to convey how we really feel, without even saying a word! “Research says that our communication consists of 35% verbal communication and 65% non-verbal communication.

Positivity is infectious!

First time presenting or have an important client catch up? A positive body language can help captivate, influence and draw in your audience/guests to the pivotal message of your meeting. We’ve done some digging and here are a few ways you’ll give off the best impression:

1. Chillin’ is winning – having a relaxed posture, breathing and open arms/palms are all signs of a calm demeanour. Making you seem approachable, friendly and pleasant.

2. It’s all in the eyes – eye contact is important; it shows that you are confident and comfortable in a given situation/environment. It’s said that eye contact when teaching improves learning, attention and makes the audience feel more engaged. It even expresses interest…just remember not to stare!

3. Nodding helps to emphasise key points and makes them more memorable.

4. Show off your pearly whites – smiling and using humour encourages people to feel more at ease and makes it easier to develop a warm personal relationship.

Everything in moderation…

Positive body language should be used sparingly, it’s a fine line as consistent exaggerated gestures can come off more negative than positive!

After thought…

Body language can be consciously applied to any given situation, so we hope that you’ve found this insightful. Why not give it a whirl and try out our positive body language tips!

Written by: Jyoti Banga

It’s finally here, the British summer has decided to make an appearance halfway through the year. Better late than never we say! Before we strut our stuff in shorts and add cocktail umbrellas to all our cold drinks, there is one hurdle to jump

We spend a good portion of our lives dedicated to our careers which usually means business attire! Whilst presentation is everything, being suited and booted often leads us to feeling hot under the collar. Despite retiring your blazer to your chair back, heat can be a problem.

So how would you keep your guests from falling asleep in your events? Read on for our top tips for keeping your team cool and engaged this summer!

1 – Feel that breeze! Let’s be honest, no one wants to be confined to an office space for the whole day. Not much has changed from those long hot schooldays spent peering out the window wishing you were outside. That’s why it’s important to have the best of both worlds. Choose an event venue that offers an outdoor area where guests can stretch their legs and get that all important dose of vitamin D. It’ll make a huge difference to their outlook and concentration.

2 – Avoid stuffy rooms… Open the windows! General ventilation is a blessing in hot weather conditions. Making sure there is a flow of air will have a significant effect on your guests’ comfort. How to make sure the venue offers exactly what you need? Getting a first-hand perspective of what you’ve booked really helps, book in to visit the event space you’ve booked!

3 – Ice cream! Everyone loves surprises, especially ones involving food. Refresh your guests by treating them to ice cream. It’s a great trick that’ll offer some refuge from the heat and a much-needed sugar boost! Rest assured ice cream isn’t the only option, how about: cool fruit kebabs, individual pots of sorbet, smoothies, jugs of iced tea or even hire in a Slushie machine! The possibilities are endless… Check with your events space what they could offer.

4 – Engage your guests… Visual, auditory, reading/writing, and kinesthetic, keeping different types of learners engaged in the baking heat is a challenge to say the least! Our solution? Try having ice breaker style activities dotted throughout your event. Three short 5 minute activities will help refocus your guests. Using lightly competitive games, quizzes or puzzles alongside your event topic will make the information more memorable. Alternatively, you could book an external company through your venue who offer fun team building exercises!

5 – Hydration breaks… We all respond to heat differently, some of us relish in the inferno whilst others recoil at the thought of being hot. One sure fire way to douse that flame is to incorporate hydration breaks into your event. These little breathers will help the day keep pace and allows each individual to regulate their own body temperature. After-all, water is the elixir of life!

We hope our summer suggestions will help you in your events. Tweet us your cool ideas @studiovenues.

Written by: Jyoti Banga