top 10 things to do at thestudio Birmingham …

Posted on 19 September 2014

Today is the day you’re attending a meeting at thestudio and are looking forward to a well-deserved break to stretch your legs. This top ten list will help you discover the venue and keep you both entertained and intrigued about our unique spaces. Enjoy and have fun!

1. Are you a bit of a bookworm? Here @thestudio we love Bookcrossing and have a variety of reads on the ground floor, if you see anything you like, don’t hesitate to take it! when you have finished with it bring it back or leave in a public place to be picked up and read by others, who then do likewise. All our books are registered so we can see where they all end up – Be sure to add a review or note at Bookcrossing and see notes from other readers and where your book travels.

2. If you enjoy reading but aren’t really a fan of fiction why not look through our press releases? They’re stored in a folder which is usually sat on a glass table and invitingly says “Open and Read”.

3. Our aquarium on the second floor has some beautiful fish, one in particular, our bottom feeder thinks of himself as Houdini. Can you spot him amongst the coral?

4. Bit of a thinker? Ever wondered why we use the colours: orange, grey and green?  Find out on the way to the Atrium, where you’ll continue to discover there’s more than what meets the eye @thestudio.

5. As we all know, the British summer changes like the tides, so bask in the glorious sun on our roof top terrace whilst he has his hat on; which usually isn’t for long I must add.

6. Fancy a chin wag? Have a chat with Sharon who, with over 15 year experience under her belt, knows a thing or two about Customer First and having a laugh.

7. Like unique and colourful sculptures/paintings? There are loads of artistic bits and bobs scattered around thestudio, some were even created with remote control cars! Can you tell which ones?

8. Fancy yourself to be bit of an Indiana Jones? Venture on to our roof terrace and excavate the tumbling water feature (not literally) to discover the buried treasure. Apparently, in promoting the wellbeing of the building, gold coins were placed underneath it!

9. With a bit of cheese in hand, how about trying to find the thestudio  mice (no worries, they’re not real) and their little home! Such cute critters!

10.  Feeling drowsy? On the fourth floor we have huge cuddly bean bags that are perfect to relax on.

Hope this little walk around our venue will prove relaxing and refreshing, just right to start your afternoon session in a great mood!