Yellow Lego Brick Road

Posted on 17 July 2015

wedulegoJust watched The Secret Life of Lego on CH4 the other day and whether you’re loony for Lego or yet to discover your “love for the brick”, this documentary will shock, intrigue and draw you in.

From shrouded tall tales of a 1997 lost LEGO shipment gracing the shores of Cornwall with ‘treasure’ to surreal buildings which transform at the touch of a button, this documentary offers a curious insight into one of the worlds’ largest toy companies.

Missed it? Try 4OD! Tweet your views @studiovenues #secretlifeoflego

Whatcha talking ‘bout…

Apart from being a great watch, you may be wondering what all this has to do with thestudio. Well we’ll happily reveal our similarities! As you know, thestudio ethos of driving a customer focused mentality and developing a family culture within the team are paramount, for us it’s not just about getting talented people, but getting the ‘right people’, better put studio people. We like to think that our team is much like a jigsaw puzzle; everyone brings something different to the table but fits well together to make the bigger picture. Unsurprisingly LEGO feel the same, an international company having shared philosophy that runs throughout the ranks is definitely a win.

Cameo Appearance…

LEGO cake toppers anyone? Eleanor and Sarah featured the famous yellow figurines in their creative and quirky wedding in an equally creative and quirky venue, *cough, wink, nudge*. (For those caught unawares… WEDU wedding receptions!)

Our delegates even use these little learning aids to help see things from a new perspective!

Child’s play…

Did we mention our very own Julian Kettleborough used to work for LEGO?! Here’s what he had to say about his experience with them:

“One of the most memorable experiences I had was visiting their “museum of childhood” which was supposed to remind you of your childhood learning experiences. It started with us being dressed in paper boiler suits and dropped through a slide into a room full of balls.”

For those that have visited our Birmingham studio, you might have noticed some classic board games like Battleship, Cluedo and do you remember Bopit?  We’ve got it! We appreciate the creative powers of play, LEGO or otherwise, as we all know “all work and no play, makes Jack a dull boy”.

Maybe it’s time to install a LEGO wall… Perhaps not on the same scale as James May who built a full size house out of LEGO!

After all “imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions.”