studio news

a pause for reflection…

Posted on Fri-03-2012 by Lawrence Cairns-Smith

Sometimes we need to reflect on where we have come from and what we have achieved. It’s good for the soul and keeps us focused on where we are going.

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5 years old and doesn’t time fly…

Posted on Fri-11-2011 by Lawrence Cairns-Smith

Well no actually….. You live it, you breathe it, you hold it, nurture it, watch it grow, every day you hope and wish and trust that in every way it achieves everything that you had planned for it at the beginning. It’s not life and it’s not death but in the words of Liverpool’s legendary […]

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thestudio pencil story so far…

Posted on Mon-06-2011 by Lawrence Cairns-Smith

Knock, knock Who’s there? You ever hear the joke about the broken pencil? You ever hear the joke about the broken pencil who?

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the 10 most memorable days in studio history… (part three)

Posted on Wed-06-2011 by Lawrence Cairns-Smith

Fire day It is fair to say that there are two calls that I truly fear. One is to say that someone at Studio has been hurt or taken ill and the other is that there is a fire, and yes before anyone comments I do fear these even more than the calls from H […]

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studio food…

Posted on Thu-04-2011 by Lawrence Cairns-Smith

So spring is upon us. We know this because Chris and Kate are back on the telly with scenes of “Hedgehogs, Blue Tits and Badgers”. For us in studio land it means a new menu.

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the 10 most memorable days in studio history… (part one)

Posted on Thu-04-2011 by Lawrence Cairns-Smith

Four and a half years into the studio journey and a bit of self indulgent reminiscing. I did say that top ten’s were important. Here I will talk you through them, some are just personal, some obvious, some bizarre. We will add them in chunks as time goes by. Here are the first.    

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studio feedback…

Posted on Sun-03-2011 by Lawrence Cairns-Smith

We truly value the feedback we receive at the studio it helps us achieve our mission statement of customer first. We love it if you can talk to one of the team on the day, it can be frustrating if it’s after the event and we could have done something to improve the service at the time, we […]

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our second blog…

Posted on Wed-03-2011 by Lawrence Cairns-Smith

So the BIG news is that at the Best Business Awards we won a gold standard award, which given that our category was dominated by Birmingham City Council (BCC) businesses at a BCC backed awards ceremony was pretty damn good and the best we could have hoped for. We are well chuffed The biggest thing […]

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and so it begins…

Posted on Sat-03-2011 by Lawrence Cairns-Smith

So it begins……actually beginnings are quite important so we don’t want this to be a rubbish one. Given a choice we would have trumpets and elephants and two dozen dancers synchronising over a mirrored lake with a sea lion balancing a large rubber ball whilst playing the mandolin. Unfortunately though it’s not that kind of grand […]

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