Luana thestudio venues team memeberthestudio visions and values meetingWe all can relate to the importance of a get together, be it family or friends. But for a lot of organisations, including ourselves, we see the value in getting our studio team together. So last Wednesday, we did just that! With a handful of new studio family members and a new venue on the ever brightening horizon, our quarterly round up couldn’t have been timed better! Check out what we got up to…


We learn…
To kick off the session the team were presented with all things studio from none other than our delightful directors. Could you have guessed we’re forecasted to have had a whopping 137,000 customers by the end of this year! Now that’s a big number!


We explore…
Let’s face it, self-introductions are always a bit awkward, especially if you’re new. So it was time to call in the big guns… an ice breaker to the rescue! Partnered randomly with someone we may have not worked with directly, we were left to our own devices to find out 3 interesting facts about each other. From missing bones to filming the Duke of Edinburgh, these ‘on behalf of’ introductions were both insightful and hilarious!


We achieve…
Keeping the team amused and engaged after a hard days’ work was high on the cards. With a studio themed pop quiz distributed and the fire of friendly competition raging in our bellies, we had an all-out battle to see who knew the most about our past, present and future! Team Mixed Bag took the title of studio encyclopaedia, closely followed by Just here for the Pizza.


We connect…
As the night drew to a close, there was only one thing that could solidify our bond further: pizza. So it was off to Zizzi’s in the Mailbox (who have a deliciously diverse menu!).
Hope you enjoyed this brief run through, if youre struggling with ideas to get your team together and wondering who you gonna call? thestudio! 

Suffering from summer time sadness and wishing you too were on holidays? The weather might not be great but here’s a few things we think could brighten up your day, especially if you’re paying us a visit!

Don’t forget the sun tan lotion…

Being the number one topic of all our gripes and groans, the British weather is renowned for its ups and downs. This being said, when the sun decides to have his hat on, it’s important for us to make the most it! There’s nothing better than soaking in the sun and what a better place to do it on than our roof garden in Birmingham or terraces in Manchester and Leeds!

A toast to summer…

Is there any better way to celebrate the summer than with a tempting glass of prosecco or a soothingly cool luxury ice cream? Being firm believers of treating yourself, especially when it comes to food, our summer offer is one not to miss and available across all our venues. Check out our latest offers if you’d love an all-inclusive rate!

Where art thou Pikachu

Pokemon Go has literally taken society by storm, all generations have come together to pursue childhood dreams of becoming a Pokemaster! Or they’re just curious… But for those who have a new found addiction to pokeballs, did you know thestudiobirmingham is sat right next to a plaque dedicated to William Shakespeare which doubles up as a Pokestop! Now you can top up both your coffee and stash of revives on your break. Happy days. (more…)

Mahatma Gandhi once said “Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s needs, but not every man’s greed.”

Though we may not like to admit it we all know the benefits of keeping active and eating correctly. Whilst many live the active life we’re so aware of many of us hide our guilty faces in a smoke screen of business or deliberately bury our heads behind computer screens, far too often we fall into a black hole of excuses and reasons to not go for that run, walk or swim. Fortunately a healthy lifestyle doesn’t have to mean cutting all your much loved confectioneries; it’s more about being mindful. That being said, we have listed the top 5 things which could be the beginnings of a healthier mind and body.

1.Make a stand…

It may sound and even look a bit odd however the benefits of standing whilst working far outweigh the cons, so put on a brave face and anchor those heels to the floor. With the majority of the populous working in modern factories (offices) and commuting to and from work, we know this isn’t the best combination for hitting that all important daily step count.

2.Fight off temptation…

Don’t be fooled by the snake charmer, it’s true that at times your own thoughts can be your own worst enemy, especially when hunger pains take over! Surrounding yourself with healthy snacks will not only assist in keeping those hunger pangs at bay but will support your blood sugar levels. You’ll be as ripe and ready to go as your trusty fruit pot. (Don’t feel guilty about the odd chocolate though, after all, a momentary indulgence is a thing of beauty!)

3.Let’s get physical…

As hunter gatherers, physical movement was essential to survival, now it seems movement is a thing of the stone ages! It’s hard after a long day’s work to find motivation or even inspiration to do something out of the good ol’ comfort zone. Biting the bullet and having a session at a gym, where you may feel overtly self-conscious about your overall fitness levels may not always be the best solution to a healthier life. Why not invest in a step counter or take on a charity challenge? Don’t forget, being physical and getting enough sleep are both core ingredients to your wellbeing!

4.From horse power to human power…

For those brave enough to face the British weather head on, saddling up for what we loosely call summer could be a fun, revitalizing and a super healthy choice to make. With the trend of cycling becoming increasingly popular It’s not uncommon to see colorfully clad cyclists heading to work all year round. Cycling will help you have an energetic start to the day! Plus we have heard wearing Lycra can feel strangely liberating, naming no names…

5.Water works…

Making up around 60% of our body, water is not only important to help our body clear out toxins but hydration helps to Kung Fu combat that pesky heavy eye lidded monster called fatigue. So if you want to feel refreshed, grab a glass of water and if water just isn’t your thing why not try adding cordial. Some water must be better than no water, right?

Like a squirrel who stored nuts for the winter, remember all those little efforts you make all add up. You don’t have to wait for a new year to make some changes; there is no better time to start than the present. Good luck on the new ventures and healthier-ish lifestyles. We encourage you to hop, skip or jump to your next meeting even if it’s only from New Street to thestudio!

IMG_6991Hats off to bustling Birmingham, the home of studio HQ, for being one of the happiest cities in the U.K to live and work in! Inspired by our beautiful city, we crafted this little thought provoking piece on happiness, as you can tell, we do like to get our thinking caps on.

“Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence.” Aristotle

Which couldn’t ring more true, we naturally shy away from things that will cause us unnecessary pain and will joyfully take part in indulgence. The human race is a hedonistic bunch, but with our gift of reason, we learn that gluttony comes at the expense of our health… Luckily the odd occasion won’t hurt! Whether it’s putting your feet up after a hard day in the office, finally reaching that 10km mark or just digging into that freshly baked apple pie; happiness is everywhere to be seen and found. The circumstances could be simple or complex, one thing’s for sure, we all love to feel happy.

If You’re Happy and You Know It…

Of course never forget to clap those hands. Our mood has a significant part to play in our overall mental attitude and perceptions, not to mention productivity! Be kind to yourself and those around you. We spend a lot of our time at work, loving what you do plays an important role in your overall well-being! Have a little read of our last blog “What Makes You, You“. (more…)

If we’ve had the privilege of hosting your event, you’ll have noticed our strong customer orientation from the onset! With this in mind, here at the studio, we believe everyone’s role within our business is important, whether it’s picking up the phone or your first steps through our doors, we appreciate everyone has an impact on our customer’s journey.

thestudio team Assemble!

A gathering made up of our all three of our venues (Birmingham, Manchester and Leeds) thestudio undertook their final quarterly meeting of the year! As t’is the season to be jolly and give gifts, the evening kicked off with the ultimate Christmas convention: Secret Santa. Gathered around the large open space that doubles up as our business lounge, the atrium is everything a sparkle with all things Christmas. Adorned with fairy lights and a jazzily dressed tree, it was the perfect setting for the team to dish out the prezzies!

After the initial festivities it was time to get down to the nitty gritty with thestudio forum meeting. Sounding a lot more daunting than it is, this little get together acted as a roundup of the year just gone and upcoming plans for the near future. With a mulled wine or cider to hand, all departments had their chance to present and discuss next year’s business ambitions then it was off to Stable Pizza for pizza, pies and cider… a promising start to the end of year indulgence!

Christmas is a time where people are naturally drawn to one another and is the perfect season to rebuild bridges once burnt, in the hope of a more unified future… Wishing you all a very merry Christmas from thestudio team!

If we’ve had the pleasure of hosting your all-important meeting, party or event, you could probably tell from our lunch menu (Tandoori roasted chicken skewers with mint and cucumber raita, Heritage carrot tart tatin with red onion marmalade just to name a couple), that we @studiovenues HEART our food. We even hold a not so secret quarterly menu tasting. You’re most welcome to join us for a nibble, get in touch by phone, enquiry or social media!

When thestudio Birmingham got a new neighbour earlier in November, our undeniable love for all things fun, festive and food, the time had come for the team to grab their sleighs and head down to the German Market!

Full of whimsy, wonder and fantastically festive, year after year the stalls are brimming with stocking fillers and trinkets full of Christmas charm. As if that wasn’t enough, the market is laden with seasonal treats. As it is a forgivingly indulgent time of year, a foot long bratwurst is not out of the question! With the promise of a white Christmas high on the cards, it was no wonder the team were drawn to the comfort of a hot chocolate and a fresh off the grill sausage.

Feel like you’re missing out? The German Market has nestled into many cities around the UK, so whether you’re way up in Leeds, mooching in Manchester or busy in Birmingham, be sure to visit them before they leave in late December!

Wishing you a very merry time in the run up to Christmas!

We, thestudio team, love the festive season, and what better occasion to celebrate in the run up to Christmas than Halloween!

Halloween, also known as All Hallows Eve or All Saints Day, is a surprisingly auspicious occasion. It is known for having roots in Christianity and Paganism as a day to remember Saints, Martyrs and the dead. It was only a year ago that we celebrated with a big monster mash and a “lunatics asylum” themed party @studiovenues! Lots of pumpkins all round.

smashing pumpkins

What’s the first thing that springs to mind when Halloween is mentioned? For us, it’s definitely pumpkins! We find their strange faces, eerily set aglow with candle fire truly creepy! The tradition of carving pumpkins has been around for centuries; in keeping with the strangeness of Halloween we thought it was time to investigate…

Take part in the festivities, tweet your carvings @studiovenues! (more…)

Quaintly decorated trees, snow flurries and hot chocolate by an open fire topped off with timeless Christmas classics are just some of the things to look forward to this festive season. Amidst the ghouls and ghosts suspended from window to window, in ample time for spooky Halloween celebrations, Christmas has tiptoed its way into the shops, and for some even into our bags!

With this in mind it seemed like a no brainer that thestudio join in with all the festive preparations! For those of you on our mailing list, you may have already been greeted by our Christmas email. If you’re not and are interested in finding that all important venue we’d love to help. With novelty knits and cocked Santa’s hats being the obvious seasonal attire, we welcome you @studiovenues for a great Christmas do!

What a better way to anticipate this pleasant period than to reminisce on past get together? The team let us in on what they love most and their own quirky traditions.

Let us know your Christmas customs and kitchen catastrophes @studiovenues, we love a good story! (more…)

If you were lucky enough to be around Birmingham last week you may have seen quite a few events kicking off, not just the long awaited England Vs. Wales match (well done to Wales), but the unveiling of Grand Central, the opening of John Lewis and the activity packed Birmingham Weekender!

With lots of exciting events now behind us, it is hard to imagine there’s much life left in September, but you’d be surprised! As the month comes to an end and autumn slowly draws in, turning the leaves and even the Moon red… We’d like to introduce our new menu!

As fall bares a whole host of ripe treats to the table, a change of seasons truly wouldn’t be the same without the studio menu tasting which also takes place every quarter. If you’re interested in joining our taster panel then Tweet us @studiovenues to get on the guest list! The more the merrier.

If you we’re able to join us this Monday you’ll have been able to feast both your eyes and tummies on our alluring autumnal selection. From heart-warming Beef Bourguignon to Heritage Carrot Tart Tatin served with red onion marmalade and treats like “Snickers” Eaton mess, what’s not to love?

We hope that you’ll be able to join us in our next gastronomical journey.


IMG_4572So you’ve found yourself attending an event in Birmingham? It may be the first time you’ve visited the bustling second city or you could be a self-professed Brummie. Whether you know Birmingham like the back of your hand or haven’t seen what the city has to offer, here are a few things you could get up to if you’ve got a 30 minute lunch break or even a whole day to spare! Click on words in bold to find out more…

The Big Hoot…

Strolling through the city centre, you may notice that Birmingham is now overrun with giant owls! These classy birds are part of the Big Hoot, helping to raise both awareness and funds for Birmingham City Children‘s Hospital. Grab a trail map from their pop up shop in the Great Western Arcade as the owls are soon to be auctioned off!

Leisure time…

Not got long till your next session but still curious what sights the 2nd city has to offer? Well the iconic Floozie in the Jacuzzi (real name The River), is a short walk away and sits proudly in front of our Town Hall. With a flow of 3,000 gallon per minute, it’s not hard to imagine the fountain was once one of the largest in Europe. The Floozie has recently become even more of a spectacle, due to leaking pipes and an extortionate cost to keep the water flowing, The River is now bursting with foliage, and has become, in essence, a giant flowerbed. Now you’ve made it so far, why not take a sneak peek into Birmingham Art Gallery? It’s right around the corner!

A thing of beauty…

Never thought a cityscape could be beautiful? Let Birmingham’s cityscape sway you from the roof top of our newly stylishly designed Library.

Days out…

If chocolate is something you cannot live without, then you‘ll be happy to hear that Birmingham is the home of Cadbury! Take a journey through its chocolate coated history, from the bean to bar, Cadbury’s Chocolaty haven promises a day full of insight and of course delicious chocolate!

Visit a place of inspiration: Sarehole Mill, a fully functional 250 year old water mill that stimulated J.R.R Tolkien’s Lord of The Rings or how about St.Martineau gardens/Botanical gardens? Perfect surroundings to help unleash the explorer in you. These locations are well worth the short bus journey out of the city centre. (more…)