the benefits of team building…

Posted on 03 October 2014

singing from the same hymn sheet

Have you ever wondered when witnessing a flock of geese overhead, why they choose to fly together rather than alone? Apart from the great company, I assume, geese are, it makes the journey a lot easier. With a common goal in sight, it seems to be much easier to work as one, and we strongly believe this is true.

Here at thestudio, we place a heavy emphasis on promoting a Customer First work ethic. All our staff share this belief and strive to achieve this every day. Sharing this common goal means we are more likely to achieve our corporate goals (which revolve around you!).

are you a team player?

If you are undecidedly shuffling your feet and twiddling your thumbs, puzzled whether or not to go to that team building session, questioning if it’s actually going to help, chances are, it will. Maybe you felt like sparing yourself the embarrassment of potentially misguiding a blindfolded colleague and sending them tumbling. Rest assured, the pros definitely outweigh the cons.

Benefits can be found in both action and outcome:

“Individual commitment to a group effort–that is what makes a team work, a company work, a society work, a civilization work.”Vince Lombardi

Believe it or not, football and geese have heaps knowledge when it comes to team work. Here, Lombardi recognizes the direct impact an individual’s dedication can have in achieving successes.

Shared values and a true sense of dedication to the company become paramount. These values can be reinforced through away days and their tendency to present learning opportunities and reliance on co-workers, granting the bigger picture to be seen. Interdependence on one another is brought to the forefront, as a tree with rotten roots does not flourish.

Funnily enough, this brings to mind a young Bart and Lisa Simpson who were only able to reach the cookie jar when they worked together. Likewise, both company and employees must work together effectively to triumph.

Away days present challenging activities that cannot be overcome alone. They naturally promote a team effort that focuses on accomplishing a common end. Unity in such events becomes essential and encourages bonding within the team. The ability to achieve set objectives is central for organisations running as smoothly as a well-oiled machine.

fancy a Stroll?

In an ideal work force everyone’s needs and expectations are understood, the only way this can be attained is by allowing communication to flow freely. Taking individuals outside of the office/work environment aids increasing communication and aids the process of becoming a more efficient team as it dissolves potential boundaries amongst peers.

Working alongside different departments becomes a positive experience as it fosters a deeper understanding of the individuals within the team, on both a corporate and personal level. This enables members to collectively act as one force through an intricate web of communication.

As we all know, hard work and company success go hand in hand, producing a win – win situation for both employee and employer.

Overall, after a team building event, you should come out, in the wise words of Daft Punk, “Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger.”