IMG_2355If you’re hoping the UK will follow the trend of American Doughnut shops and hand them out for free… then come join thestudio on this occasion and delve into some delicious doughnuts!

Duel National Day…

Today is also National Best Friend Day and is there a better way to express your love by giving your bestie a doughnut. No good reason not to!* (Unless they don’t like them…)

Tweet your favourite filling @studiovenues

We Doughnut believe it…

Did you know that International Doughnut Day was originally commemorated in honour of the men and women who dished out this holey treat to soldiers during the First World War? Neither did we but now we do! (more…)

What is aromatic, tastes fantastic and is a classic…? No matter your age it’s hard to resist the temptation of freshly baked gingerbread! A reminiscence of Christmas or perfectly coupled with an afternoon tea, today @thestudio we celebrate National Gingerbread Day! (Yes such a thing does exist!)

Tweet your favourite gingery flavoured food @studiovenues. We’d love to hear about it!

Around the world…

Ginger looks unique and is definitely the life and soul of the party, featuring in both savoury and sweet dishes around the world! Not to mention it’s well known title as a super food used to soothe and treat colds, coughs, indigestion or even motion sickness. Is there something this little root can’t achieve?!


If you love bread and you love bananas, well, that makes today your lucky day as it’s Banana Bread Day!

Come join thestudio team for a freshly baked banana bread muffin.

In the 1930’s, banana bread rose to fame with the introduction of popular cooking products baking soda and baking powder. They fast became a familiar feature in American cook books and were even more renowned during the Great Depression. Banana bread signified the ingenuity of American housewives (who were not as lucky as those in Desperate Housewives), limiting waste in the unfortunate economic climate.

Today there are an abundance of recipes ensuring satisfaction for even the most unique of pallets! From using peanut butter to mango you can invent your own banana bread bonanza.

tweet your creations @studiovenues #bananabreadday



Well-wishing’s for the Chinese New Year…

Yes, you’ve guessed it, today is that special day which marks the revival of the Chinese calendar, so we bid adieu to the year of the Rat and welcome the year of the Goat. Alternatively known as the Spring Festival, Chinese New Year is packed full of cultural fun, from lion dancers to show stopping fireworks, the Chinese definitely know how to greet a year in style.

Money, money, money…

This auspicious occasion summons the cost-omary tradition to dish out doe in red envelopes, typically given as gifts by elders to the younger generations (lucky so and so’s). (more…)

StudiopancakesTime to get those frying pans out and start flipping! It’s Pancake Day!

Why not join us @ thestudio for some delicious fresh pancakes!

It might sound like a great excuse to comfort eat the winter blues away but the once Pagan Slavs originally ate pancakes (which represent the sun) to ward off the evil spirits of the winter. If this were true, we’re sure in the hopes of better weather pancakes would become a UK staple! (more…)

“Why aren’t there many jokes about popcorn? Because they are corny.”

Now that this hilarious joke has grabbed your attention, we’d like to make an important announcement…. IT’S NATIONAL POPCORN DAY!

Did you know that this cinema favourite has been around for quite some time? Astonishingly enough, it was first cultivated 9000 years ago in Mexico. Wondering if they had cheese and jalapeno flavoured ones back then… (more…)

With the dreary weather threatening to dampen our spirits, thestudio team thought it was time to fight the frost by taking to the German Markets. Said to be the biggest of its kind outside of Germany, the market has a whole host of interesting trinkets, stocking fillers and bites to eat.

Tis the season to be jolly…

Christmas is widely accepted as a time for indulgence and so it should be! It’s the most wonderful time of the year to treat yourself and more importantly others. From ginger bread houses to the renowned Bratwurst, the market is bursting from the seams with timely treats. (more…)

There’s a never ending stream of lists, notes, RSVPs and charts for all of you that have to organise your company’s Christmas Party. Whether you’re a seasoned planner and already have everything at your fingertips or you’ve just been assigned this task but don’t know where to start, here is a useful checklist to make sure you’re on the right track.

1. Time

Timing is everything. Many companies book the date for the next Christmas Party months in advance to make sure guests (more…)