StudiopancakesTime to get those frying pans out and start flipping! It’s Pancake Day!

Why not join us @ thestudio for some delicious fresh pancakes!

It might sound like a great excuse to comfort eat the winter blues away but the once Pagan Slavs originally ate pancakes (which represent the sun) to ward off the evil spirits of the winter. If this were true, we’re sure in the hopes of better weather pancakes would become a UK staple! (more…)

“Why aren’t there many jokes about popcorn? Because they are corny.”

Now that this hilarious joke has grabbed your attention, we’d like to make an important announcement…. IT’S NATIONAL POPCORN DAY!

Did you know that this cinema favourite has been around for quite some time? Astonishingly enough, it was first cultivated 9000 years ago in Mexico. Wondering if they had cheese and jalapeno flavoured ones back then… (more…)

There’s been a lot of debate regarding the link between our brains and food. The food we eat influences our brain.  Refined sugars give an energy boost but after a short while they cause drowsiness, proteins keep us active longer and the right mix of carbs (sugars), protein and fat benefits our health; and it’s not just us saying that. It’s science!

Now, we tend to take science very seriously here @thestudio and ever since we opened our first venue in Birmingham we’ve made sure that we build our menus with everything that we need in order to keep our brains working (more…)