To “give up” – cease making an effort; admit defeat.

Those who have stepped into any one of our four venues or met any of our team will know that “giving up” is not a phrase we like to take lightly here at thestudio. We make every effort to not view any task as too big, just a new challenge to embrace… However, at this time of year giving up is given a whole new meaning, with some doing it for different reasons to others…

Lent is a 40-day period taking place around Easter, starting this year from the 6th March and ending on the 18th April. This is a Christian celebration, followers will fast from food and festivities to recreate the sacrifice of Jesus and time in the dessert.

Only a small amount of people now fast for the whole 40 days, instead some choose a favourite snack or bad habit to refrain from during this time. We all like to test our will power from time to time!

Indulge yourself…
Returning visitors will know we don’t like to hold back in feeding up our guests with a sweet treat here and there. We have even more opportunity to do just that recently, as today we have put out our pancake stations with the pick of your favourite toppings.

Our Spring treats also kick off to a flying start this week including a choice of Victoria sponge cakes, chocolate mini eggs and delicious hot toasted hot cross buns…

We have also made sure to include some little less indulgent treats; our bircher our pots and freshly sliced fruit platters.

I’d give up cake, but I’m no quitter …
Its been fascinating to find out what some of our team are going to try to “give up” for the next 40 days …

• Our Sales Director Oli wants to give up beer (and as he says now it’s written in black and white there’s no going back!)
• Our Sales & Revenue Manager Mandy is vowing to give up bread, saying she would happily eat it with every meal! However, she is going on holiday in the middle so may have a cheeky cheat day now and then…
• One of our Co-founders Emma, said she is going to give up Kale, she likes it a lot, but thinks she should be able to live without it until Easter Sunday !!

Let there be light…
Whether you choose to take part in Lent or not, in Old English the word means ‘lengthen’ reminding us that this time of year also means longer days. Hallelujah!

Written by: Rachel Robinson

Edited by: Emma Jennings

It’s heating up at thestudio this May as we’ve got some exciting news to share! Our cookbook BALANCE has arrived in all of our venues and is rammed with over 60 healthy recipes!
The book fits perfectly with our food philosophy, an affordable but beautiful book that has been created in response to the amount times we have heard “lunch was delicious” can you ask the chef for the recipe!

But here’s a few things you might not have known about our little book of BALANCE

Not for profit…

That’s right, this little number is a not for profit book! All the proceeds go directly to supporting the Nutrition & Diet Resource UK a not for profit organisation for patient centred care working in the public and private sector. It really is all about the food and promoting healthy balanced diets!

Daily dine…

If you’ve attended, are going to attend or actually are at thestudio this very moment, chances are you’ll be lunching on one of the recipes from “Balance”! With over 60 fresh, exciting and inspired dishes that have all appeared on our menus at some point, you won’t be short of combinations to choose from. Aside from an undeniably delicious afternoon break, it’s serves as the perfect time to show guests what thestudio’s made of!


Things are better when everyone can enjoy them, that’s why on a lot of our recipes, whether it’s for ethical or health reasons, we’ve highlighted ingredients within the recipes that can swapped to suit your dietary needs. Balance has a section dedicated to adapting to special diets from veganism to gluten free… we’ve got a dish for you!

Hats off to the chef…

Compliments were driving force behind the whole idea, each location chef has been involved in the creation of the book, thestudio thought it would be great to give something back to the guests who love their food, offering up the opportunity to impress their friends and family with some tasty dishes. All of this whilst contributing to the bigger picture.

Nutrition is the key …

All the recipes have been analysed by Nutritics software, so you can be assured (if you can stick to just one portion!) of the energy, fat, carbohydrate, protein and salt content in each dish.

We’d love to hear about your favourite foodie experience at our venues, tweet @studiovenues your favourite dishes and remember, if you’d like to find out more, we’re just a fork call away

the studio conference meetings and events venue Birmingham 1st floor refreshment areaWe just can’t seem to settle down, can you guess why? It’s International Coffee Day!

If we’ve had the pleasure of welcoming you through our doors, you might have noticed we love a good coffee. We’re proud to offer you and your guests’ fresh bean to cup coffee on every mug you pour… delicious!

Test yourself and see if you’re a coffee fiend by thestudio’s standards!

1.    Have you ever experienced coffee envy?
2.    Does the thought of tasting luxurious imported beans excite you?
3.    Are you on cup #3 by 9am?
4.    Does the scent of coffee outweigh the aroma of freshly cut grass or bacon?
5.    Would you always choose a coffee over tea?
6.    Are your friends and work colleagues impressed by how many jazzy named coffees you’ve tasted?
7.    Do you have a dedicated mugs or your all-important morning pick me up?
8.    Have you invested in a trusty coffee machine and placed it lovingly by your bedside?

1 – 4 yes’s – tea drinker perhaps?
5 – 6 yes’s – Coffee has a special place in your heart!
7 – 9 yes’s – Must be still buzzing for your last coffee…
10 yes’s – You’re a true coffee fiend!

Give Me Coffee and T.V…

This wonderful world is full of hot drink connoisseurs. With each of us having our own palates and taste preferences we just can’t help ourselves but give tea drinkers a good ol’ shout out…
It may be International Coffee Day we can’t help but use this opportunity to welcome Tetley tea in our venues!

So whether you prefer a rich coffee, sweet tea or a flavoursome hot chocolate… Happy International Coffee Day from thestudio.

What’s special about today?the studio conference meetings and events venue dessert option

Sundays are the king of lie ins, but why’s this Sunday like no other? Well, it’s a perfect day to talk food as it’s World Hunger Day! Nutrition, inspiration and education take the biscuit when it comes to creating a solution, click here to see how you can compel change.

A helping ladle…

Even though we are in the 21st century, hunger is still a massive issue. Whether you’re thinking international or locally we can all help be part of a solution. thestudio loves the cities it calls home and naturally, we’re always looking for ways to connect with our local community. So, for the past month in Birmingham, we’ve been teaming up with Let’s Feed Brum to help make a difference!

As self-confessed foodies, we appreciate delicious, nutritious, fresh, locally sourced food. We love a
delicious dish, and what better than to share it with others? That’s why at the end of the day, thestudio helps Let’s Feed Brum support the homeless by “providing food, drink, essential supplies and friendship” to those living on our streets. Whether you’re an organisation or an individual with some spare time on their hands, find out how you can support your local brummies here.

Proof is in the pudding…

Everything is easier when you’re a team player! We appreciate the difficulties of today’s modern world but with a bit of elbow grease and shared dreams we can work together to make a better future for everyone. Big things always have small beginnings. 🙂

Guess why thestudio’s so excited?

Homer Simpson “eat your heart out” introducing National Doughnut week! Go nuts for doughnuts from the 6th May – 13th May. Kicking off on our fabulous Commercial Director: Julian Kettleborough’s birthday, National Doughnut Week isn’t just a time where it’s socially acceptable to have jam on your face. It’s a brilliant opportunity to raise funds for The Children’s Trust!

For every doughnut you decide to devour you’ll have the chance to donate as little or as much as you can for the UK’s leading charity for children with brain injuries. If you fancied spreading the love of sugar dusted rings, find out more here. Good vibes all round 🙂  

Now that’s a doughnut!

Did you know the largest doughnut weighed a whopping 1.7 tons! It was jelly filled and stretched to 16ft wide!

What’s your flavour?

thestudio team are self-confessed foodies, check out our fave flavours and see if you match up with anyone in the team!

Dawn: “Jam donuts, we used to get them as a treat from Firkins when we were little because our Auntie worked in there.”

Jyoti: “Rings iced with sprinkles reminds me of my childhood! I love jam doughnuts dusted with icing sugar and maple syrup ones… YUM!”

Pedro: “1 with sugar sprinkled on top and maybe a jam filling…Because it’s sweet!”

Katie: “Sugar ring 😉 Classic!”

Why’s thestudio undoing their belt buckle?

If you were to answer: “one too many Easter eggs”, you wouldn’t be completely wrong… This indulgent bank holiday accompanied with tons of guilt free chocolate, had something even more to offer, a culinary adventure. Introducing the biggest, baddest, fullest vegan festival around!

If you managed to venture out last weekend, Viva Vegan put on a show stopper of an event. Filling three venues in Birmingham City centre, including ourselves, the festival showcased the vegan way of life. Everything from products, live cooking demonstrations, talks and most importantly a huge variety of tantalising foods. Serving up vegan Indian, Mexican and Italian dishes!

No vegan diet… No vegan powers!

If your only exposure to veganism has been though the film Scott Pilgrim vs the world, you might think vegans: a. have super human powers b. they “partake not in the meat, nor the breastmilk, nor the ovum, of any creature with a face” and c. they attend vegan academy. Safe to say only one of these are true! Veganism in a nutshell is a lifestyle choice where individuals don’t eat or use animal products. Sound difficult? Viva Vegan managed to enlighten the masses that with a few small changes, being vegan is a piece of cake! And yes vegan cakes are delicious, chocolate being our favourite.

At thestudio we love the idea of a communal society, that’s why our non-meat lunch buffet options are all wheat, gluten and dairy free! Lunch is better when we all sit together. Check out what our day package includes

Feel like you’ve missed out? Luckily Viva Vegan are touring the country! Click here for more dates and info.

Fuel your curiosity studiogoers 🙂

Quaintly decorated trees, snow flurries and hot chocolate by an open fire topped off with timeless Christmas classics are just some of the things to look forward to this festive season. Amidst the ghouls and ghosts suspended from window to window, in ample time for spooky Halloween celebrations, Christmas has tiptoed its way into the shops, and for some even into our bags!

With this in mind it seemed like a no brainer that thestudio join in with all the festive preparations! For those of you on our mailing list, you may have already been greeted by our Christmas email. If you’re not and are interested in finding that all important venue we’d love to help. With novelty knits and cocked Santa’s hats being the obvious seasonal attire, we welcome you @studiovenues for a great Christmas do!

What a better way to anticipate this pleasant period than to reminisce on past get together? The team let us in on what they love most and their own quirky traditions.

Let us know your Christmas customs and kitchen catastrophes @studiovenues, we love a good story! (more…)

IMG_2816Now that summer has firmly planted its feet on British soil, it’s not hard to guess what yearly event is underway… so grab your shades it’s time for Wimbledon! We’ll be showing matches on our main screens so you won’t miss a thing…

Tweet your tennis favourite @studiovenues #Wimbledon2015

Younger than the world’s oldest tortoise, Adwaita who lived until he was (speculatively) a whopping 255 years, Wimbledon is a timid 138 years of age… Funnily enough the rules have virtually stayed the same since its conception!

Did you know that over 27 kilos of strawberries will be consumed during the tournament? Hence our inspiration to commemorate Wimbledon with a Strawberries & Cream Cake! Have a break and grab some cake @studiovenues. Cake not your thing? Then why not check out Colmore Business District Food Festival! Running from the 3rd– 4th July, it offers the perfect opportunity to indulge in the summer sun. (more…)

The time to dust off those BBQ’s has finally arrived; 21st June marked the official beginning of the long awaited British Summer! With the change of seasons it’s now time to get ready for the gastronomical delights @ thestudio’s quarterly menu tasting!

Don’t worry if you couldn’t make it this Monday, there’s 2 more seasons left to taste this year! Just let us know and we’ll add you to our special tasters list.

Being genuine foodies, we really value our ingredients and the dishes we create to incorporate a menu that truly embraces all the fresh, lovely produce summer offers.  Not to mention how much we enjoy reading your views on our culinary creations, this is one place your feedback is always welcomed!


IMG_2523Oh fudge, here comes another National Food Day!

Smothered in chocolate or crammed with cranberries, fudge is a delicacy made for all, with a huge variety of flavour combinations it shouldn’t prove too difficult to find one to fall in love with.

Don’t be a chump, grab a chunk! Come celebrate with us this day of fudge!

Tweet your most savoured fudge combination @studiovenues we love hearing about food.

Everyone remembers those school trips to the sea side, the fresh air complimented by the lovely summer breeze and not to mention the souvenir shops packed to the brim with different types of handcrafted regional fudge … isn’t this making you reminisce and mouth water? (more…)