Only stopping in its tracks because of the World Wars, La Grande Boucle or as we know it, The Tour de France is an iconic, jam-packed, action filled, world class event in the annual sporting calendar, with teams from all over the world all vying for the highly acclaimed top spot and that yellow jersey.

Well known for putting the strongest athletes to the test, challenging them both mentally and physically, this race is not for the faint hearted. In fact, it is so gruelling that in 1919 only 10 individuals managed to complete the course!

The #TDF2015, running from Saturday July 4th to Sunday July 26th 2015, is the 102nd tour and is made up of 21 stages covering a total distance of 3,360 kilometres: 9 flat stages, 3 hilly stages, 7 mountain stages including 5 summit finishes, 1 individual time trial, 1 team time trial and just 2 rest days – phew!

Follow the leader…

British cyclist Chris Froome seems to be the favourite to win (go Britain!) riding as the general classification contender (going all out for the yellow jersey!) with the ever impressive Team Sky. (more…)


Ever heard of Pitchfest? No, not Pitch Perfect, Pitchfest! This is a collaborative event spear headed by Aston, Birmingham and Warwick Universities to deliver a day at the NEC brimming with opportunity for businesses and investors. Over 80 West Midlands companies attended, allowing businesses to compete, network and learn more about local industries. With such an event so close to home, of course thestudio were eager to enter.

Only 15 businesses got to the final and studio were delighted to be in the final 5 for the growth category. These finalists went on to present or better put “pitch” their plans for the future to a board full of potential investors and a room full of other businesses and potential new clients.

Our Director Emma Jennings commented: “Reaching the finals of Pitchfest is a great way to end another fantastic year of growth at thestudio. After recent expansion in Birmingham, Pitchfest provided an excellent opportunity to meet with several investors to talk through future plans for thestudio and its plans to grow into other major UK cities and any opportunity to showcase to new customers is always a winner!” (more…)

studiomcrHave an hour to kill on your lunch break? Rather than clock watching until your next session kicks in, why not stretch those legs with these great suggestions courtesy of the local studio team! Whatever you fancy doing, we’re sure you’ll find something on this list.

Venturing out …

Nestled in the northern quarter of Manchester, The Hive isn’t just the home of thestudio but of an amazing eatery: Pie & Ale. Apart from being a great combination of décor, food and service, this place is a brilliant location to reenergize just before that long journey home.

I could do with a brew …

The Brits are world renowned for a ‘spot of afternoon tea’ and café Sugar Junction, Rosy Lee tea rooms and Teacup Kitchen will make for a perfect setting for this (not more so than thestudio of course). If you’re scouring for some class cakes or thirsty for a charming cocktail, these places are just lovely and are 5 minute walk away.

Vintage You Say?

Have a fondness for all things alternative and vintage? Then Affleck Palace will keep you busy! In just 5 minutes you can find yourself having a good old fashion rummage. You never know what gems you’ll uncover. (more…)

The time to dust off those BBQ’s has finally arrived; 21st June marked the official beginning of the long awaited British Summer! With the change of seasons it’s now time to get ready for the gastronomical delights @ thestudio’s quarterly menu tasting!

Don’t worry if you couldn’t make it this Monday, there’s 2 more seasons left to taste this year! Just let us know and we’ll add you to our special tasters list.

Being genuine foodies, we really value our ingredients and the dishes we create to incorporate a menu that truly embraces all the fresh, lovely produce summer offers.  Not to mention how much we enjoy reading your views on our culinary creations, this is one place your feedback is always welcomed!


IMG_2644Allons enfants de la patrie,

Le jour de gloire est arrivé!

Contre nous de la tyrannie

L’etendard sanglant est levé! (bis)

Wondering why we are singing the French national anthem @thestudio? Well, it only seemed fair to pay homage to the Gods of patisserie; especially as they created the dessert we are celebrating today… Happy National Éclair Day! Though the day was officially celebrated yesterday, we strongly believe it’s better late than never, especially when it comes to food!

Tweet your favourite pastry @studiovenues (it would give us more than a reason to celebrate it’s National Food Day)


IMG_2523Oh fudge, here comes another National Food Day!

Smothered in chocolate or crammed with cranberries, fudge is a delicacy made for all, with a huge variety of flavour combinations it shouldn’t prove too difficult to find one to fall in love with.

Don’t be a chump, grab a chunk! Come celebrate with us this day of fudge!

Tweet your most savoured fudge combination @studiovenues we love hearing about food.

Everyone remembers those school trips to the sea side, the fresh air complimented by the lovely summer breeze and not to mention the souvenir shops packed to the brim with different types of handcrafted regional fudge … isn’t this making you reminisce and mouth water? (more…)

IMG_2355If you’re hoping the UK will follow the trend of American Doughnut shops and hand them out for free… then come join thestudio on this occasion and delve into some delicious doughnuts!

Duel National Day…

Today is also National Best Friend Day and is there a better way to express your love by giving your bestie a doughnut. No good reason not to!* (Unless they don’t like them…)

Tweet your favourite filling @studiovenues

We Doughnut believe it…

Did you know that International Doughnut Day was originally commemorated in honour of the men and women who dished out this holey treat to soldiers during the First World War? Neither did we but now we do! (more…)

What is aromatic, tastes fantastic and is a classic…? No matter your age it’s hard to resist the temptation of freshly baked gingerbread! A reminiscence of Christmas or perfectly coupled with an afternoon tea, today @thestudio we celebrate National Gingerbread Day! (Yes such a thing does exist!)

Tweet your favourite gingery flavoured food @studiovenues. We’d love to hear about it!

Around the world…

Ginger looks unique and is definitely the life and soul of the party, featuring in both savoury and sweet dishes around the world! Not to mention it’s well known title as a super food used to soothe and treat colds, coughs, indigestion or even motion sickness. Is there something this little root can’t achieve?!


“Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens,

Bright copper kettles and warm woollen mittens,

Brown paper packages tied up with strings,

These are a few of my favourite things…”

Here @ thestudio, I’m sure you could guess a few of our favourite things, well, one which has the most prominence: FOOD!

No matter the cuisine, thestudio are sure to honour all things delectable, from creature comforts like a heart-warming beef chilli or a sweet treat to supply a much needed sugar rush to support you on your travels home.

Talking about sugar rush, did you know tomorrow is National Taffy Day? We had it saved in our diaries so we thought why not let loose and celebrate it a day early! (more…)

IMG_1554In a bid to give our stomachs a well-deserved rest, today @ thestudio we are celebrating great poetry! It makes a drastic change from celebrating National Food Days (not to worry, we will continue to supply you with treats). So keep your eyes peeled for some amazing poems dotted around the venue, including both classics and staff favourites!

Tweet your all-time favourite poem @studiovenues #NationalGreatPoetryReadingDay


Don’t have a bee in your bonnet,

Read an interesting sonnet,

Or whimsical prose a great poet renders,

Of undying love and immeasurable splendours,

From Edgar Allen Poe to William Shakespeare,

We welcome you, on this day we adhere!