What’s smoking hot @thestudio?

Blazing sun, clear skies, hot weather, shades… Yes the long awaited British summer is here! And what a better way to celebrate than a classy BBQ. We humans are a social bunch, loving any old excuse for a get together and with the sun high in the sky, what a better opportunity?

Individually we’re brilliantly unique but together, together we’re unstoppable. That’s why we love rounding up our team for a quarterly get-together. Being on the same page doesn’t have to be all doom and gloom with monotonous meetings. Spicing things up with a fun, relaxed event does wonders when it comes to team bonding. Plus, you know that age old saying to get to someone’s hear you have to go through their stomach!

No case without a showcase…

We’re really looking forward to the season of BBQ’s and great weather. So much so we’d like to add a bit of pizazz to your reunions by offering a smoking hot team building session in Birmingham and Manchester. Running from July to August, catch up with your crew over some delicious food!

Under the watchful eye of BBQ extraordinaire Richard Holden, your crew can enjoy a tailor made bespoke grilling master class. That’s not all, whilst looking forward to this creative lunch, we include the use of a main meeting room, unlimited tea, coffee and snacks throughout the day.

Ideal for 10-20 guests wanting to live it up in the sun, in just a few hours you’ll experience a 2 course menu of a starter and a main course, BBQ skills on show, tips on grilling and roasting, how to make pioneering pesto, saucy marinades, homemade pizza dough plus choosing and cooking the perfect steak! With a variety of activity packages starting from £50+vat pp for 3-6 hour sessions, looks like the only thing you’ll need is some shades and sun cream!

*Minimum numbers for any course are 10, increasing to a maximum of 20 per session. The above is subject to availability, to make an enquiry contact thestudio team on 0800 028 6694

What’s special about today?the studio conference meetings and events venue dessert option

Sundays are the king of lie ins, but why’s this Sunday like no other? Well, it’s a perfect day to talk food as it’s World Hunger Day! Nutrition, inspiration and education take the biscuit when it comes to creating a solution, click here to see how you can compel change.

A helping ladle…

Even though we are in the 21st century, hunger is still a massive issue. Whether you’re thinking international or locally we can all help be part of a solution. thestudio loves the cities it calls home and naturally, we’re always looking for ways to connect with our local community. So, for the past month in Birmingham, we’ve been teaming up with Let’s Feed Brum to help make a difference!

As self-confessed foodies, we appreciate delicious, nutritious, fresh, locally sourced food. We love a
delicious dish, and what better than to share it with others? That’s why at the end of the day, thestudio helps Let’s Feed Brum support the homeless by “providing food, drink, essential supplies and friendship” to those living on our streets. Whether you’re an organisation or an individual with some spare time on their hands, find out how you can support your local brummies here.

Proof is in the pudding…

Everything is easier when you’re a team player! We appreciate the difficulties of today’s modern world but with a bit of elbow grease and shared dreams we can work together to make a better future for everyone. Big things always have small beginnings. 🙂

Guess why thestudio’s so excited?

Homer Simpson “eat your heart out” introducing National Doughnut week! Go nuts for doughnuts from the 6th May – 13th May. Kicking off on our fabulous Commercial Director: Julian Kettleborough’s birthday, National Doughnut Week isn’t just a time where it’s socially acceptable to have jam on your face. It’s a brilliant opportunity to raise funds for The Children’s Trust!

For every doughnut you decide to devour you’ll have the chance to donate as little or as much as you can for the UK’s leading charity for children with brain injuries. If you fancied spreading the love of sugar dusted rings, find out more here. Good vibes all round 🙂  

Now that’s a doughnut!

Did you know the largest doughnut weighed a whopping 1.7 tons! It was jelly filled and stretched to 16ft wide!

What’s your flavour?

thestudio team are self-confessed foodies, check out our fave flavours and see if you match up with anyone in the team!

Dawn: “Jam donuts, we used to get them as a treat from Firkins when we were little because our Auntie worked in there.”

Jyoti: “Rings iced with sprinkles reminds me of my childhood! I love jam doughnuts dusted with icing sugar and maple syrup ones… YUM!”

Pedro: “1 with sugar sprinkled on top and maybe a jam filling…Because it’s sweet!”

Katie: “Sugar ring 😉 Classic!”

Why’s thestudio undoing their belt buckle?

If you were to answer: “one too many Easter eggs”, you wouldn’t be completely wrong… This indulgent bank holiday accompanied with tons of guilt free chocolate, had something even more to offer, a culinary adventure. Introducing the biggest, baddest, fullest vegan festival around!

If you managed to venture out last weekend, Viva Vegan put on a show stopper of an event. Filling three venues in Birmingham City centre, including ourselves, the festival showcased the vegan way of life. Everything from products, live cooking demonstrations, talks and most importantly a huge variety of tantalising foods. Serving up vegan Indian, Mexican and Italian dishes!

No vegan diet… No vegan powers!

If your only exposure to veganism has been though the film Scott Pilgrim vs the world, you might think vegans: a. have super human powers b. they “partake not in the meat, nor the breastmilk, nor the ovum, of any creature with a face” and c. they attend vegan academy. Safe to say only one of these are true! Veganism in a nutshell is a lifestyle choice where individuals don’t eat or use animal products. Sound difficult? Viva Vegan managed to enlighten the masses that with a few small changes, being vegan is a piece of cake! And yes vegan cakes are delicious, chocolate being our favourite.

At thestudio we love the idea of a communal society, that’s why our non-meat lunch buffet options are all wheat, gluten and dairy free! Lunch is better when we all sit together. Check out what our day package includes

Feel like you’ve missed out? Luckily Viva Vegan are touring the country! Click here for more dates and info.

Fuel your curiosity studiogoers 🙂

This years’ International Women’s day is all about the world of work. Calling on all the wonder women in the area, NatWest held their inspiring #BeBoldForChange event today and thestudio have had the pleasure of hosting it.

Challenging the status quo, pushing for change and raising awareness are hot on the cards when it comes to highlighting rights, opportunities and inspiration. Especially within the international minefield of employment. But this event is not just about drawing attention to our daily trails, it’s about celebrating, celebrating women’s momentous contributions to societies all over the world.

Today we …

Applaud all the powerful, inspirational, iconic women who have helped shape cultures and fashion a better place for everyone to live equally.

Today is a special day, not just for women, but for mankind as a whole. Working together as one solid unit is the only promise we have that drives change for this generation and the next.

Guest blog from Bea Peck …

Day 1
the studio conference meetings and events venue Birmingham 1st floor refreshment areaIt’s 8.50 on Monday morning, the first day of my work experience @thestudio, ¼ of my body weight is currently nerves, another ¼ coffee and the other ½ undeniable excitement. I suppose I should introduce myself – Hi, my name is Bea. I’m 17 and currently studying my first year of A levels but more importantly, I just spent a week @thestudio to learn how such a successful events company is run day to day.

Rumour has it, business people are scary. They’re crazy caffeine fuelled robots who type numbers into a computer nine hours a day – but not @thestudio. I was met with nothing other than a smile.

As I toured the building, I couldn’t help but grin at all thestudios’ little quirks; the bright and engaging décor, the goldfish on the second floor, even the toilet signs could lighten your Monday morning blues.

By 11am I had conquered my fear of the phone lines, it was until this week I had never transferred a call… embarrassing but true! Jyoti navigated me through thestudio’s social media pages, blogs and website, teaching me how keeping clients informed with thestudio’s recent activities or even gaining a twitter follower are all important aspects of establishing solid relationships with clients in this increasingly digital age.

Day 2
Today I sat with Pedro on the second floor reception, greeting puzzled looking guests and showing them to their rooms. Once again I manned the phone lines, discovering the talent of job juggling that the not-so-scary business people @thestudio perform so admirably. Here, I gained experience both behind the desk but also good customer service skills that I can transfer to any workplace in the future. (more…)

What’s got thestudio in a tizz?

One word: mornings. With a ritualistic dose of caffeine, the masses are alight with ambition to grab the day by its horns. Everyone has their own peculiar way of dealing with mornings, but aside from a strong coffee we noticed something… Do you know what else we all have in common?

Whether you consider yourself a shower performer or crank up the volume as soon as you get in the car, there’s no denying we all love a bit of music in the morning. From classical to heavy metal, your eclectic ears demand their own wake up call. One far more pleasant than your default alarm!

It’s in the music…

Did someone order a pick me up? Music has the ability to inspire, excite and better still motivate us. It kicks our brains into gear, evokes emotions and can even transport us to distant memories. What we listen to says a lot about who we are as individuals but collectively, within industry, it says a lot about brand culture. We love to provide an environment perfect for your ideas to take root and grow, hopefully our background melody helps set the right tone for the day. Unlike Depeche Mode, not everyone enjoys the silence!

Ever heard of the Dance Epidemic in Strasbourg?

Heard the saying shop till you drop? How about dance to the death?! In 1518 around 400 individuals partied their socks off for a month long of non-stop dancing. They partied so hard in fact a few people lost their lives!

Check out thestudio teams’ morning anthems…

Music is one of the biggest loves of my life, I doubt I’ve ever gone a day without sticking my headphones in! I listen to everything and am even a fiend for listening to music in the shower, which isn’t really good for my wireless headphones :’)

Our radio is stuck on Classic FM and our alarm is set to go off with radio …although it’s not always the best wake up music, especially when you’re woken up with a drum or a cymbal bang but hey ho…rise and shine!

I normally listen to the Radio on the way to and from work. I like listening to the presenters more than the actual music!
Here @thestudio we’d love to hear what you think about our background music, feel free to make some suggestions as you’re an important part of our brand!

First things first… Happy 2017 to all!

Ever wondered how thestudio would look without it’s clothes on?…

Whether you’re donning a suit and tie or the type of person to rock up in your PJs, it’s clear that everyone has different standards of what they’d consider fashionable. With new trends constantly sprouting whilst others become embarrassing past relics that spur the feeling “what was I thinking!”, it’s no wonder people reinvent themselves with their dress sense.

But what’s fashion got to do with thestudio?!  Well, last year we declared our idea of “brand” is all about perceptions, it’s what people say when you’re not in the room (click here to get up to date). Fashion is no exception, luxury labels like Prada and Luis Vuitton both paint a picture of wealth while Nike conjures up physical feats. But now there is a movement, a movement away from big flashy logos, to the point where individuals are removing them from their clothes!

Why people are cutting brand logos off their clothing?” is an interesting article looking at why people are pulling away from being branded and literally removing trademarks.

A Sign of the times…

“In 2015, a report by Goldman Sachs revealed that millennials prefer clothing without labels or logos. When a person can transform themselves into a “brand” with some well-lit Instagram photos and considered Tweeting, essentially advertising someone else’s product on their chest or handbag can become less appealing.”

In this digital age where social media reins king, outward appearances are becoming even more so important. We’ve learnt that what buzz words a brand associates itself with, isn’t necessarily what an individual wishes to be associated with. Society’s affair with uniqueness has led us into being more self-representative and more aware of how we wish to be perceived. In essence, to be our own brand!

thestudio no more…

Remove our brand what would you be left with? A great team with a customer first attitude! Just like the loyal customer who has faith in the quality of their newest fashion statement… the proof is in the pudding!

crisis-2Christmas is undoubtedly the ultimate season of giving. It’s a time where even the most cold hearted of characters are sprung to life with a sprinkle of Christmas spirit. The sight of people scattering, frantically buying and wrapping presents comes with the season, but here at thestudio we recognise the most precious gift you can give someone is your time.

Teaming up with CRISIS Birmingham we’ve taken up the opportunity to give something back to this great city. Opening our doors for two days in the run up to Christmas, CRISIS have hosted a free drop in centre offering advice and support as well as medical and rejuvenating treatments, such as haircuts, facials, pedicures and manicures.

All treatments were provided by local volunteers and supported by the CRISIS team.  thestudio dedicated one of our largest rooms and most importantly lunch! Being the massive foodies that we are, it would be sacrilege to not offer up delicious turkey and stuffing baps with an equally appetizing vegetarian option of falafel to all that joined us, along with copious cups of hot drinks to warm the toes and the soul. To top off the festivities was a live band, again from willing volunteers to offer some festive cheer.

At the end of each year we are reminded that it is important to give, that the most valuable things in this life cannot be bought and if Evan Almighty has taught us anything; one random act of kindness can make someone’s day. We can’t change the world, but every little thing does make a difference to someone, please just be kind.

To everyone, we wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from thestudio.


On the twelfth day of Christmas
my true love sent to me:
12 Drummers Drumming
Eleven Pipers Piping
Ten Lords a Leaping
Nine Ladies Dancing
Eight Maids a Milking
Seven Swans a Swimming
Six Geese a Laying
Five Golden Rings
Four Calling Birds
Three French Hens
Two Turtle Doves
and a Partridge in a Pear Tree


Your wish list may not be as long as this but did you know it’s less than 12 days to Christmas! With not long to go, we thought it was the perfect opportunity to wrap up 2016 with our quarterly team meeting.

We value team bonding and the effort everyone makes to attend thestudio forum is phenomenal, Gillian even flew in from Glasgow! Our forums present a space where our tight knit team can freely discuss ways to develop in 2017, pledging to continually support each other across departments all whilst enjoying a cheeky glass of mulled wine and the odd mince pie.

Home Alone…

This year we opted to stay within our venue. Being firm believers that a change of scenery can truly inspire you, we transformed the Atrium into a Lapland wonderland filled with the usual suspects (Christmas tree, fairy lights) but with a few extra surprises!
