To “give up” – cease making an effort; admit defeat.

Those who have stepped into any one of our four venues or met any of our team will know that “giving up” is not a phrase we like to take lightly here at thestudio. We make every effort to not view any task as too big, just a new challenge to embrace… However, at this time of year giving up is given a whole new meaning, with some doing it for different reasons to others…

Lent is a 40-day period taking place around Easter, starting this year from the 6th March and ending on the 18th April. This is a Christian celebration, followers will fast from food and festivities to recreate the sacrifice of Jesus and time in the dessert.

Only a small amount of people now fast for the whole 40 days, instead some choose a favourite snack or bad habit to refrain from during this time. We all like to test our will power from time to time!

Indulge yourself…
Returning visitors will know we don’t like to hold back in feeding up our guests with a sweet treat here and there. We have even more opportunity to do just that recently, as today we have put out our pancake stations with the pick of your favourite toppings.

Our Spring treats also kick off to a flying start this week including a choice of Victoria sponge cakes, chocolate mini eggs and delicious hot toasted hot cross buns…

We have also made sure to include some little less indulgent treats; our bircher our pots and freshly sliced fruit platters.

I’d give up cake, but I’m no quitter …
Its been fascinating to find out what some of our team are going to try to “give up” for the next 40 days …

• Our Sales Director Oli wants to give up beer (and as he says now it’s written in black and white there’s no going back!)
• Our Sales & Revenue Manager Mandy is vowing to give up bread, saying she would happily eat it with every meal! However, she is going on holiday in the middle so may have a cheeky cheat day now and then…
• One of our Co-founders Emma, said she is going to give up Kale, she likes it a lot, but thinks she should be able to live without it until Easter Sunday !!

Let there be light…
Whether you choose to take part in Lent or not, in Old English the word means ‘lengthen’ reminding us that this time of year also means longer days. Hallelujah!

Written by: Rachel Robinson

Edited by: Emma Jennings

When the moon hits your eye Like a big pizza pie, that’s amore…

If you didn’t know already, the 9th of February is dedicated to the super cheesy, super saucy and fully loaded main. Whether fine dining or eaten the morning after, thestudio’s celebrating National Pizza Day by offering you a slice of the action: to win a pizza on us!

Take another pi-zza my heart…

Tweet @studiovenues a quick sketch of your ideal pizza. The most impressive we’ll replace it with an actual pizza… No kidding.
Do pizzas and conferencing go hand in hand? We can all agree, aside from being a faithful crowd pleaser, pizzas are simple, efficient and most importantly delicious. Reigning supreme when it comes to variety, it’s no wonder this nosh is an international star. Being food fanatics, we can’t help but liken this famed food to event perfection!

Just like a divine slice of cheesy heaven, a great venue will offer their guests a tailor-made experience with lots of opportunity to shake things up and of course, extra mozzarella. We’re definite believers in flexibility when it comes accommodating peoples’ needs… Arranging your event should be as easy as pie… pizza pie to be exact!

Wishing everyone a scrumptious day…

the studio conference meetings and events venue lunch option with wedgesWelcome…

Everyone loves feeling a part of something, having a sense of belonging and being accounted for. Life’s much more fun when everyone’s included, it’s why our meat-free buffet options are gluten free, dairy free and of course vegan friendly! #worldveganday

Unlimited vegan options…
On a health kick? Wave goodbye to boring celery sticks and hello to mouth-watering vegan dishes like chickpea and spinach masala with pilau rice or sweet & sour tofu served with stir fried veggies and rice noodles. Who ever said a plant based diet had to be boring? (Watch this space, we’ll be releasing thestudio cookbook this winter which includes some great vegan dishes! Talking about vegan dishes… click here for a surprise recipe!)

Food for thought…
Did you know veganism is more than a plant based diet? It’s a lifestyle! Their ethos of avoiding animal products for moral/health reasons influences all types of products they use from shower gel to floor cleaner, even clothing. Learn more about veganism click here…  and the benefits click here…

Insider view…
One of the studio team undertook a short stint of veganism, check out her experience:

“One of my good friends is vegan and she was a real hard-core meat eater. Admittedly I didn’t eat much meat or dairy so taking on a vegan week challenge seemed achievable! It went swimmingly and I haven’t eaten meat since, a few months now, I can’t say I miss it that much, well, that is until the aroma of a bacon sandwich in the morning!”

Foodie to foodie…
Here at thestudio, we see being a foodie as a super power to make any food spectacular, enjoyable and memorable. Whether the dish is vegan or otherwise, we’ll definitely put our heart and soul into it!

IMG_2644Allons enfants de la patrie,

Le jour de gloire est arrivé!

Contre nous de la tyrannie

L’etendard sanglant est levé! (bis)

Wondering why we are singing the French national anthem @thestudio? Well, it only seemed fair to pay homage to the Gods of patisserie; especially as they created the dessert we are celebrating today… Happy National Éclair Day! Though the day was officially celebrated yesterday, we strongly believe it’s better late than never, especially when it comes to food!

Tweet your favourite pastry @studiovenues (it would give us more than a reason to celebrate it’s National Food Day)


IMG_2523Oh fudge, here comes another National Food Day!

Smothered in chocolate or crammed with cranberries, fudge is a delicacy made for all, with a huge variety of flavour combinations it shouldn’t prove too difficult to find one to fall in love with.

Don’t be a chump, grab a chunk! Come celebrate with us this day of fudge!

Tweet your most savoured fudge combination @studiovenues we love hearing about food.

Everyone remembers those school trips to the sea side, the fresh air complimented by the lovely summer breeze and not to mention the souvenir shops packed to the brim with different types of handcrafted regional fudge … isn’t this making you reminisce and mouth water? (more…)

IMG_2355If you’re hoping the UK will follow the trend of American Doughnut shops and hand them out for free… then come join thestudio on this occasion and delve into some delicious doughnuts!

Duel National Day…

Today is also National Best Friend Day and is there a better way to express your love by giving your bestie a doughnut. No good reason not to!* (Unless they don’t like them…)

Tweet your favourite filling @studiovenues

We Doughnut believe it…

Did you know that International Doughnut Day was originally commemorated in honour of the men and women who dished out this holey treat to soldiers during the First World War? Neither did we but now we do! (more…)

What is aromatic, tastes fantastic and is a classic…? No matter your age it’s hard to resist the temptation of freshly baked gingerbread! A reminiscence of Christmas or perfectly coupled with an afternoon tea, today @thestudio we celebrate National Gingerbread Day! (Yes such a thing does exist!)

Tweet your favourite gingery flavoured food @studiovenues. We’d love to hear about it!

Around the world…

Ginger looks unique and is definitely the life and soul of the party, featuring in both savoury and sweet dishes around the world! Not to mention it’s well known title as a super food used to soothe and treat colds, coughs, indigestion or even motion sickness. Is there something this little root can’t achieve?!


“Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens,

Bright copper kettles and warm woollen mittens,

Brown paper packages tied up with strings,

These are a few of my favourite things…”

Here @ thestudio, I’m sure you could guess a few of our favourite things, well, one which has the most prominence: FOOD!

No matter the cuisine, thestudio are sure to honour all things delectable, from creature comforts like a heart-warming beef chilli or a sweet treat to supply a much needed sugar rush to support you on your travels home.

Talking about sugar rush, did you know tomorrow is National Taffy Day? We had it saved in our diaries so we thought why not let loose and celebrate it a day early! (more…)

You’ve guessed it; thestudio are celebrating yet another day of indulgence so please join us as we wish you: Happy National Jelly Bean Day!

Definitely a day to be partied by the sweet toothed, why not try a couple of these beans on your afternoon break, they’re sure to work their magic on your taste buds.

Tweet your favourite flavour @studiovenues

How Delightful…

When you think of Turkish Delight, do you imagine bustling Bazaars, fez hats and jelly beans? Yes! Jelly Beans! It might have been last on your list but these little sweets are thought of as Turkish Delight descendants! Tasting the resemblance now? (more…)

Sorry to waffle on, but we just wanted you to know… It’s International Waffle Day!

Ever tried a freshly made studio waffle? Well today’s your chance! Grab one on your afternoon break; tweet us your taste buds’ verdict @studiovenues.

Globe trotter…

These tasty treats can be found all over the globe, from Singapore to U.S.A, waffles have made the world their home. Drenched in maple syrup or crowned with strawberries and cream, with a plate full of choice, this master of meals can be eaten for breakfast, lunch or dinner! (Not to mention they dish up a great dessert). (more…)