StudiopancakesTime to get those frying pans out and start flipping! It’s Pancake Day!

Why not join us @ thestudio for some delicious fresh pancakes!

It might sound like a great excuse to comfort eat the winter blues away but the once Pagan Slavs originally ate pancakes (which represent the sun) to ward off the evil spirits of the winter. If this were true, we’re sure in the hopes of better weather pancakes would become a UK staple! (more…)

singing from the same hymn sheet

Have you ever wondered when witnessing a flock of geese overhead, why they choose to fly together rather than alone? Apart from the great company, I assume, geese are, it makes the journey a lot easier. With a common goal in sight, it seems to be much easier to work as one, and we strongly believe this is true.

Here at thestudio, we place a heavy emphasis on promoting a Customer First work ethic. All our staff share this belief and strive to achieve this every day. Sharing this common goal means we are more likely to achieve our corporate goals (which revolve around you!). (more…)

conferenceSourcing a venue is no easy task and even more so in Birmingham or Manchester where you’re spoilt for choice when it comes to finding a venue. After finding the venue, hiring the right room for your event is just as important to make a good impression on your delegates.

Here are a few tips from the studio team to help you choose the right room for your event. (more…)