This years’ International Women’s day is all about the world of work. Calling on all the wonder women in the area, NatWest held their inspiring #BeBoldForChange event today and thestudio have had the pleasure of hosting it.
Challenging the status quo, pushing for change and raising awareness are hot on the cards when it comes to highlighting rights, opportunities and inspiration. Especially within the international minefield of employment. But this event is not just about drawing attention to our daily trails, it’s about celebrating, celebrating women’s momentous contributions to societies all over the world.
Today we …
Applaud all the powerful, inspirational, iconic women who have helped shape cultures and fashion a better place for everyone to live equally.
Today is a special day, not just for women, but for mankind as a whole. Working together as one solid unit is the only promise we have that drives change for this generation and the next.
Guest blog from Bea Peck …
Day 1
It’s 8.50 on Monday morning, the first day of my work experience @thestudio, ¼ of my body weight is currently nerves, another ¼ coffee and the other ½ undeniable excitement. I suppose I should introduce myself – Hi, my name is Bea. I’m 17 and currently studying my first year of A levels but more importantly, I just spent a week @thestudio to learn how such a successful events company is run day to day.
Rumour has it, business people are scary. They’re crazy caffeine fuelled robots who type numbers into a computer nine hours a day – but not @thestudio. I was met with nothing other than a smile.
As I toured the building, I couldn’t help but grin at all thestudios’ little quirks; the bright and engaging décor, the goldfish on the second floor, even the toilet signs could lighten your Monday morning blues.
By 11am I had conquered my fear of the phone lines, it was until this week I had never transferred a call… embarrassing but true! Jyoti navigated me through thestudio’s social media pages, blogs and website, teaching me how keeping clients informed with thestudio’s recent activities or even gaining a twitter follower are all important aspects of establishing solid relationships with clients in this increasingly digital age.
Day 2
Today I sat with Pedro on the second floor reception, greeting puzzled looking guests and showing them to their rooms. Once again I manned the phone lines, discovering the talent of job juggling that the not-so-scary business people @thestudio perform so admirably. Here, I gained experience both behind the desk but also good customer service skills that I can transfer to any workplace in the future. (more…)
First things first… Happy 2017 to all!
Ever wondered how thestudio would look without it’s clothes on?…
Whether you’re donning a suit and tie or the type of person to rock up in your PJs, it’s clear that everyone has different standards of what they’d consider fashionable. With new trends constantly sprouting whilst others become embarrassing past relics that spur the feeling “what was I thinking!”, it’s no wonder people reinvent themselves with their dress sense.
But what’s fashion got to do with thestudio?! Well, last year we declared our idea of “brand” is all about perceptions, it’s what people say when you’re not in the room (click here to get up to date). Fashion is no exception, luxury labels like Prada and Luis Vuitton both paint a picture of wealth while Nike conjures up physical feats. But now there is a movement, a movement away from big flashy logos, to the point where individuals are removing them from their clothes!
“Why people are cutting brand logos off their clothing?” is an interesting article looking at why people are pulling away from being branded and literally removing trademarks.
A Sign of the times…
In this digital age where social media reins king, outward appearances are becoming even more so important. We’ve learnt that what buzz words a brand associates itself with, isn’t necessarily what an individual wishes to be associated with. Society’s affair with uniqueness has led us into being more self-representative and more aware of how we wish to be perceived. In essence, to be our own brand!
thestudio no more…
Remove our brand what would you be left with? A great team with a customer first attitude! Just like the loyal customer who has faith in the quality of their newest fashion statement… the proof is in the pudding!
Today we are proud to announce thestudio Director and Co-founder Emma Jennings made it into the House of Commons!
Over a spot of breakfast, the IPT (Industry Parliament Trust) hosted a meeting addressing and recognizing the vital role small and independent businesses play in the UK’s overall economic growth and wellbeing. Acting as an intermediate, the IPT bridges the gap between parliament and businesses, through encouraging insightful exchanges to promote an improved understanding for both factions.
With talks of business expansion, current government opportunities available and the biggest challenges faced by SME’s, support was today’s topic of choice. After all, there’s nothing more efficient than working together towards a shared ambition.
Emma said after the event this morning …
“What an opportunity to be invited to such a prestigious venue where you get to speak and hopefully influence government policies of the future. Around the table the main topic, was definitely providing “support” and how is the existing support “signposted” to busy business owners to access it?
From the academics and MPs around the table it was interesting to hear them talk of “aspiration” being the biggest driver in small business growth. From experience I know thestudio has no lack of aspiration!
What we do lack, as a “service and hospitality business” is access to government funds that support our growth, we have borrowed a substantial amount of money to enable our successes to date and mostly at director level risk in term of guarantees. I asked for encouragement in more of that aspiration and ambition, by mitigating some of the personal risk we always have to consider in any expansion of our business. More sensible and accessible funding please!
Also I was very interested to hear of the demand around the table of putting “entrepreneurship” as a curriculum agenda in schools – show young people that your own business is a career choice and support this at the grass roots. As a business we are extremely supportive of mentor programs and wholeheartedly support the next generation and giving something back.
And finally … a big message was consistency. So many initiatives come and go for businesses that it is challenging to make long term plans. In the 10 years of thestudio’s trading history we have survived some pretty stormy seas, we are have been resilient and come out the other side and are excited for our future growth, BUT we do need some stability in the economy, which could of course take us onto another very hot and current topic …. But for today, it’s back to the real world and the business of running our business!”
Before your trusted mobile device springs out and you start googling, what does brand mean to you? For us we imagine it to be what people say about you when you’re not in the room… Best put, it’s all about the way you want to be and are perceived!
Let’s play a game…
As original as they come, you are effectively your own “brand”. So to get started create a list of 5 buzzwords/adjectives of how you think you are perceived. Then get your peers/friends/family to do the same about you and see how they match up. Remember beauty is in the eye of the beholder, no 2 people think the same so be in for a treat! This can be real eye opener when it comes to your own business. Funnily enough, this was how thestudio came to develop our core values on an all-important away weekend. Click here to see what else we get up to on our team challenge weekends!
I heart Heinz…
So why do we swoon over beloved brands? Compelled by smart marketing, being creatures of habit and coerced by our own product experiences, it’s no wonder that certain brands develop a special place in our hearts. Maybe it was a past childhood memory of the first time you were rewarded with Cadbury’s chocolate or you vividly remember your mother’s Prada bag and always thought you’d have one just like that when you’re older. So maybe this love developed from a young age or good experiences. One thing’s for sure, everyone has a favourite. (more…)
Just watched The Secret Life of Lego on CH4 the other day and whether you’re loony for Lego or yet to discover your “love for the brick”, this documentary will shock, intrigue and draw you in.
From shrouded tall tales of a 1997 lost LEGO shipment gracing the shores of Cornwall with ‘treasure’ to surreal buildings which transform at the touch of a button, this documentary offers a curious insight into one of the worlds’ largest toy companies.
Missed it? Try 4OD! Tweet your views @studiovenues #secretlifeoflego
Whatcha talking ‘bout…
Apart from being a great watch, you may be wondering what all this has to do with thestudio. Well we’ll happily reveal our similarities! As you know, thestudio ethos of driving a customer focused mentality and developing a family culture within the team are paramount, for us it’s not just about getting talented people, but getting the ‘right people’, better put studio people. We like to think that our team is much like a jigsaw puzzle; everyone brings something different to the table but fits well together to make the bigger picture. Unsurprisingly LEGO feel the same, an international company having shared philosophy that runs throughout the ranks is definitely a win. (more…)
singing from the same hymn sheet
Have you ever wondered when witnessing a flock of geese overhead, why they choose to fly together rather than alone? Apart from the great company, I assume, geese are, it makes the journey a lot easier. With a common goal in sight, it seems to be much easier to work as one, and we strongly believe this is true.
Here at thestudio, we place a heavy emphasis on promoting a Customer First work ethic. All our staff share this belief and strive to achieve this every day. Sharing this common goal means we are more likely to achieve our corporate goals (which revolve around you!). (more…)
There’s a never ending stream of lists, notes, RSVPs and charts for all of you that have to organise your company’s Christmas Party. Whether you’re a seasoned planner and already have everything at your fingertips or you’ve just been assigned this task but don’t know where to start, here is a useful checklist to make sure you’re on the right track.
1. Time
Timing is everything. Many companies book the date for the next Christmas Party months in advance to make sure guests (more…)
Had an interesting read this week about social media and content on the Event Magazine’s blog and it got me thinking about content and our business. Thestudio’s mission statement is customer first and everything revolves around our customers’ experience. Since the explosion of the social media we too have joined in the millions that are using Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn to keep in touch with our clients.
Looking back through our blog’s archive or Twitter history one word stands out more than any: Engage. Our small but steadily growing community keeps connected, lets others know about different events of interest for their particular business, helps with recommendations, advice and suggestions about any topic of interest. Our team keeps their ears and eyes peeled to anything that happens around the business that might affect how delegates travel from traffic news to the recent developments in New Street in Birmingham.
Social media advocates (I dare not call them experts since there is social media is so versatile and volatile that hardly anyone can be called and expert) call on relevant and insightful content to be delivered to consumers, a content that carries with it what the brand stands for. With so many companies that are in the game how do you keep content relevant: how not to be pushed into the shallows, how not to take after so many others that offer small rewards for tweeting and retweeting, or promote exclusive social media offers?
Well, if Scott Stratten is right “to be great at customer service, you only need to be mediocre, because everyone else sucks” then what are we doing? Nothing more than to treat people like we would like to be treated; everyday; in our venues and outside them. Do you think we could do more? Please share your thoughts with us by leaving a comment here or tweet @studiovenues.
Later edit: 1st of May – it’s official. Director Emma Jennings graduates the Goldman Sachs 10000 small business programme. More about this here.
In the good spirit of team building, thestudio team away day was organised this year, unlike the previous years, in March instead of January. No more bitterly cold days, fresh air and spring all around…or so we thought.
The weather, however, didn’t bring spirits down and at 8 o’clock on a Saturday morning we were all (Birmingham and Manchester) having a lovely warm breakfast in the Quarnford Lodge , Buxton in the beautiful Peak District wondering what secret activities were planned for us. The morning fog made it even spookier as we were driven away to an (more…)