welcomeThis may seem like an odd question at first, however from a young age we are taught everyone is different and rightly so; no two sides of the coin are the same.

Without getting too philosophical, we are sure we can all agree that we are the sum of our parts. We are made up of an amalgamation of decisions, choices, likes and dislikes. There are so many contributing factors that have managed to craft us, that it’s almost impossible to list every experience that has taken effect, no matter how big or small!

One of a kind…

As a being we scream out originality from the moment we enter the world. The question is – do we retain this individuality when it comes to the workplace? Or do we just become a “Mr. Smith clone” ready for another 9-5?

One way to combat this dreaded pitfall is to simply do what you love or join an organisation that recognises and wants you for who you are. A happy workforce is generally a productive one, so watch out for those tell-tale signs within your team which suggest they may feel like “jumping the ship” and learn to recognise your own feelings of discontent.

It’s all the same…

When this individuality comes to businesses it is easy to be lumped into the same category. That’s why we at studio venues strive to be distinctive. What highlights us from the crowd and makes sure that we aren’t a “regurgitated and samey” meeting and event space is our big personality, and this we pull from our spaces and most importantly our team.  They have something we like to call “The Studio Weovil”, instantly recognisable in the studio characters in our venues! (more…)

Atrium_004Love putting a name to the face? Then why not up your networking A-game and shimmy on down to thestudio’s vibrant meeting and event space in central Birmingham. Why you ask? Apart from being renowned for its light, bright and innovative spaces and being a great location to meet, train and entertain, thestudio are proudly hosting #midlandshour’s tweetup on 04th May.

Tweety bird

If you thought tweeting was something that only birds do, you’d be mistaken! Welcome to the 21st century where our preferred means of communication is through social media. It’s time to connect, share and post with those around you. Affiliate with people from across the world to those in your neighbourhood, indulge in this opportunity to create some truly valuable connections. At this FREE event you’re offered the chance to mingle with like-minded professionals, a perfect opportunity to revive your business links, all in the comfort of your very own city centre.

thestudio? Never heard of it…

Your one stop shop for all your meetings and event needs, thestudio resides at the heart of the city boasting unique, bright and colourful event spaces suitable for both formal and informal gatherings! Our venues are built on their excellent reputation and our simple mission statement of “Customer First”… Plus the food, we always have to mention the food! (more…)

IMG_4211Before your trusted mobile device springs out and you start googling, what does brand mean to you? For us we imagine it to be what people say about you when you’re not in the room… Best put, it’s all about the way you want to be and are perceived!

Let’s play a game…

As original as they come, you are effectively your own brand. So to get started create a list of 5 buzzwords/adjectives of how you think you are perceived. Then get your peers/friends/family to do the same about you and see how they match up. Remember beauty is in the eye of the beholder, no 2 people think the same so be in for a treat! This can be real eye opener when it comes to your own business. Funnily enough, this was how thestudio came to develop our core values on an all-important away weekend. Click here to see what else we get up to on our team challenge weekends!

I heart Heinz…

So why do we swoon over beloved brands? Compelled by smart marketing, being creatures of habit and coerced by our own product experiences, it’s no wonder that certain brands develop a special place in our hearts. Maybe it was a past childhood memory of the first time you were rewarded with Cadbury’s chocolate or you vividly remember your mother’s Prada bag and always thought you’d have one just like that when you’re older. So maybe this love developed from a young age or good experiences. One thing’s for sure, everyone has a favourite. (more…)

If we’ve had the pleasure of hosting your all-important meeting, party or event, you could probably tell from our lunch menu (Tandoori roasted chicken skewers with mint and cucumber raita, Heritage carrot tart tatin with red onion marmalade just to name a couple), that we @studiovenues HEART our food. We even hold a not so secret quarterly menu tasting. You’re most welcome to join us for a nibble, get in touch by phone, enquiry or social media!

When thestudio Birmingham got a new neighbour earlier in November, our undeniable love for all things fun, festive and food, the time had come for the team to grab their sleighs and head down to the German Market!

Full of whimsy, wonder and fantastically festive, year after year the stalls are brimming with stocking fillers and trinkets full of Christmas charm. As if that wasn’t enough, the market is laden with seasonal treats. As it is a forgivingly indulgent time of year, a foot long bratwurst is not out of the question! With the promise of a white Christmas high on the cards, it was no wonder the team were drawn to the comfort of a hot chocolate and a fresh off the grill sausage.

Feel like you’re missing out? The German Market has nestled into many cities around the UK, so whether you’re way up in Leeds, mooching in Manchester or busy in Birmingham, be sure to visit them before they leave in late December!

Wishing you a very merry time in the run up to Christmas!

studiotreeIs your team experiencing that all too familiar end of year slump? December is a challenging month; with endlessly dark days and the weather never truly being on side, it’s no wonder people find it’s harder to face the daily grind. But all is not lost, Christmas presents, jolly carols and jam-packed stockings full to the brim are just a few things that make December a month long festive laden celebration.

So, that all important question?

How do you keep your team motivated throughout the holiday period? Here are a handful of tweaks that might help give your colleagues a new lease of life!

Cue … Baubles, tinsel and fairy lights

thestudio ethos strongly believes that the environments we work in play a key role in our productivity, creativity and efficiency. Hence why we aim to provide our guests with light bright innovative spaces; great places to get your thinking cap on. Everyone enjoys a change of scenery from time to time so why not spruce up your view with a bit of Christmas cheer! (more…)

Do you remember when internet was everything but wireless? Now we have powerhouses of 4G in our back pockets. How times have changed!

When we look to the past, our ancestors fashioned tools to become more efficient hunter-gatherers. Today we can see the impact and implications of technology, much like the spear of the past; it innovates and drives us forward, pushing to create new possibilities, enabling us to constantly imagine, invent and innovate, turning thoughts into reality.

Tidy desk, tidy mind…

Like an artist who is stirred by a beautiful landscape, new spaces can rouse a whole host of emotions, yes, even a work desk can be inspirational! Funnily enough, we @studiovenues strongly believe that if you want a new idea, it’s best to change the view… Hence why spread out across the UK (Birmingham, Manchester and Leeds) thestudio venues pursue the ultimate goals of being customer driven and providing light, innovative spaces, perfect places for your bright ideas. (more…)

leedsTonight is no ordinary night, with the sun setting early and winter already upon us it seems like a gloomy end to the day is inevitable. But all is not lost, as tonight is magical Bonfire Night and to top it off, it’s also thestudio’s Leeds launch party, so chin up! (Literally or you’ll miss the fireworks).

If you’ve visited us in Leeds before, its winning panoramic views would have undoubtedly made an impression and if you have the pleasure of joining in our celebrations, we offer you delicious food, thirst quenching drinks, fireworks and surprises along the way!

Tweet your pics @studiovenues (more…)

With the remnants of the British summer slowly dying away, it won’t be long till the luscious green hues of spring and summer fade into a pile of crispy leaves. It’s almost time to dig out the cosy jumpers, gloves and boots! As appealing as that sounds you’d be forgiven for feeling like 2015 is nearly done and dusted. Thankfully there are some great things yet to come before we bid farewell to 2015!

There are quite a few exciting events still in this year’s pipeline and one of which seems to be edging closer and closer is our third venues’ grand opening in Leeds.

Speaking of grand openings, Grand Central – Birmingham’s newest retail destination will launch on 24th September perfectly timed to co-incide with the Birmingham Weekender Event taking place in key locations around the city. If you’re thinking about steaming ahead with your Christmas shopping you can enjoy the exciting arrival of the largest John Lewis outside of London.

With Autumn approaching thoughts turn to “back to school” and from the 1st Sept onwards we’ll be making a £10.00 contribution to Wood Street Mission for every booking made in Classroom, one of the 10 vibrant event spaces we have in our Manchester venue, for more details on Classroom take a look here.

Like us, we bet you’ve got some great memories of school; we hope all children feel as though they are able to have the same opportunities and can create some smashing memories like we all did. The proceedings will enable Wood Street Mission to gear our next generation with supplies and resources to encourage a brighter future, with everything from P.E kits to stationary. Now that’s what we call a great start to the academic year! (more…)

48727-005“This thing all things devours: Birds, beasts, trees, flowers; Gnaws iron, bites steel; Grinds hard stones to meal; Slays king, ruins town, And beats high mountain down.”

Gollum from The Hobbit


If you’re a fan of The Hobbit, you’ll most likely already know the answer: time.

The consumer of all things and one of the very few things that cannot be bought in this world, time can either be a friend or foe… Luckily for us at thestudio, we seem to be on his kind side! Hopefully we haven’t spoken too soon, but with plans of building a bigger future roaring ahead, as they say, only time will tell!

In today’s modern, fast paced life, it easy to admire the beauty of a finished piece and lose sight of the intricacies and dedication of the process. Much like how an artist’s completed work is always admired and adorned in galleries; the perceiver may miss the difficulties and enjoyment experienced when creating a “Chef-d’oeuvre”. (more…)


Ever heard of Pitchfest? No, not Pitch Perfect, Pitchfest! This is a collaborative event spear headed by Aston, Birmingham and Warwick Universities to deliver a day at the NEC brimming with opportunity for businesses and investors. Over 80 West Midlands companies attended, allowing businesses to compete, network and learn more about local industries. With such an event so close to home, of course thestudio were eager to enter.

Only 15 businesses got to the final and studio were delighted to be in the final 5 for the growth category. These finalists went on to present or better put “pitch” their plans for the future to a board full of potential investors and a room full of other businesses and potential new clients.

Our Director Emma Jennings commented: “Reaching the finals of Pitchfest is a great way to end another fantastic year of growth at thestudio. After recent expansion in Birmingham, Pitchfest provided an excellent opportunity to meet with several investors to talk through future plans for thestudio and its plans to grow into other major UK cities and any opportunity to showcase to new customers is always a winner!” (more…)