studio news

Body Language and Your Event…

Posted on Fri-10-2019 by Oliver Hargreaves

Ever notice how people who are admired, radiate a positive and friendly aura? Whether you’re looking to secure agreements, network or become someone’s go to person, body language has a meaningful impact on the connections we attempt to create. We are frequently told “actions speak louder than words”, so join us as we delve into […]

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Avoid getting hot under the collar this summer…

Posted on Fri-07-2019 by Oliver Hargreaves

It’s finally here, the British summer has decided to make an appearance halfway through the year. Better late than never we say! Before we strut our stuff in shorts and add cocktail umbrellas to all our cold drinks, there is one hurdle to jump… We spend a good portion of our lives dedicated to our […]

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The dreaded C word! …Reasons to book Christmas venue now!

Posted on Tue-06-2019 by Oliver Hargreaves

It feels as though the long-awaited British summer has abandoned us and now businesses are already advertising for Christmas?! We understand the injustice, it might seem unthinkably soon to entertain the thought, so here’s a few reasons why it’s a brilliant idea to get cracking on the planning… Get bookin’ good lookin’… “Eat a live […]

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Getting to know thestudio…

Posted on Wed-02-2019 by Oliver Hargreaves

Here at thestudio, we aim to keep all of our fascinating facts and exciting changes at the forefront for our customers to stay in the loop with us! We are beginning to install our Good to Know About chalkboards in our refreshment areas in all of our venues across to inform and keep you up […]

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4 easy ways to get giving…

Posted on Wed-09-2018 by Oliver Hargreaves

Do you live by the mantra: happiness shared is happiness doubled? It’s no secret that doing good makes us feel good but with our busy work, family and life schedules, it can seem impossible to commit ourselves to anything else. Rest assured, without dedicating too much time and effort you’ll be able to feel a […]

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Eat Cake and Donate…

Posted on Tue-11-2017 by Lawrence Cairns-Smith

Did you know eating cake could save the world? Well… not exactly but we’re working on it! We bond… thestudio are always looking for ways to connect with the communities we’re based in. We joined hands with letsfeedbrum, Wood Street Mission, and without further ado, we’ve partnered up with Foodinate… A not for profit organisation […]

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thestudio Celebrates Triumphant 10 Years by Downtown In Business

Posted on Fri-10-2016 by Oliver Hargreaves

No longer the new kid on the block, this year thestudio is celebrating turning 10. Since opening in Birmingham in 2006, thestudio has grown significantly over the last decade, now laying claim to four venues nationwide and a team of 68 staff members. Known for its fresh and colourful take on the typically monochrome corporate […]

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Food for Life

Posted on Tue-08-2016 by Oliver Hargreaves

Here at thestudio we like to think of ourselves as being game changers. We place you, our valuable guest, at the heart of everything we do. This being said, in today’s day and age an undeniable spotlight has been firmly placed on what we put on our plates. Sustainable, less travelled, super food , gluten […]

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Our Glasgow Team Away Day

Posted on Fri-05-2016 by Oliver Hargreaves

In this modern age where information is fast and easily gained, we as a populous have a habit of losing interest and attention fairly quickly. So instead of a long winded, super descriptive take on our away day, here’s a countdown of what we got up to! Venturing into the unknown and uncharted territory (logistics […]

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Tweet All About It…

Posted on Wed-01-2016 by Lawrence Cairns-Smith

Love putting a name to the face? Then why not up your networking A-game and shimmy on down to thestudio’s vibrant meeting and event space in central Birmingham. Why you ask? Apart from being renowned for its light, bright and innovative spaces and being a great location to meet, train and entertain, thestudio are proudly […]

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